Potential Unit 731s Are Probably Out There

The first time that I was truly worried about science was when I stumbled upon gory pictures of a laboratory experiment carried out in the 1940s. As I hurriedly scoured the internet to read about Unit 731 and the experiments they performed, fear descended upon me. How can humans be this wicked to the point of sacrificing about half a million people in the search for a potent chemical/biochemical weapon?

Honestly, I've long heard about unfortunate happenings at Hiroshima and Chernobyl, but none of them scared me as much as the doings of Unit 731. Probably because those nuclear attacks happened in one fell swoop even though their effect still lingers. But for the Unit 731 operations, it was on for eight years. So, for eight years the Japanese government supported a bunch of crazy scientists who maimed, killed and dehumanized about half a million people all in the name of research. That was science at its worst.

Without mincing words, dark science exists. Even though some superhero movies like Antman and Morbius portray what some dark scientists do in their confines, there is no denying the fact that till today several life threatening researches are still being carried out. In fact, Unit 731 probably birthed more diabolical research that was covered up. Afterall, rumours have it that some of the scientists involved in Unit 731 were absorbed and pardoned by a powerful country as long as they share the knowledge they gained from those horrible experiments.

With powerful countries of the world stocking up arms and ammunition in preparation for a war that looks imminent, every lead counts. A lot of experiments were allegedly carried out by the Nazis to create soldiers that are immune to death, soldiers that can regrow their parts in an instant. Trust me, those experiments are still being quietly carried out on God's good earth. And with the way things are going, we may not need rapture to unleash hell upon each other.

As for the sector that needs scientific intervention the most, using my geographic location as a reference, I think the agricultural sector is in dire need of scientific revolution. We have a large population in need of food to eat. The current supply is not even close to meeting the demand. According to farmers, a lot of their harvest still goes to waste.

Isn't it funny that in a country where there is shortage of food farmers are still suffering losses as they watch some of their harvested produce waste away? A lot of the stuff we produce here needs to be preserved. Without that, the farmers will continue to suffer losses as a result of wastage while the masses will continue to experience significant inflation since supply is not meeting demand.

Finally, I hope the permanent cure for cancer is found anytime soon. Growing up I've never really bothered about cancer that much because it felt like it was a virus not meant for our clime. About a decade or so ago, you rarely hear people talking about cancer down here. However, it's become popular in recent years. People I used to know have died of one form of cancer or the other in the last few years. Now, I'm scared asf. I hope a permanent solution is found to this menace before it wrecks more havoc.


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