Gem Are Rare To Behold

My grandmother was a woman of gold and a rare gem. Her genuine love and empathy epitomized beauty for me. Personally, beauty lies in the heart of a person, not in their physical appearance. Her accommodating nature and open heart made her presence invaluable, and I fondly remember my childhood desire to be with her wherever she was. Being her granddaughter is a privilege I would choose over billions, even in an afterlife.

Her departure left a void that nothing can fill, but what gives me comfort and happiness is the profound impact her life had on mine. I will always share the good news of how her life influenced me whenever I have the privilege to do so. Her moral values shaped me into the person I am today and I'm grateful.

My grandmother's kind heart was incomparable; no child visiting our house ever wanted to leave. Our home was always filled with laughter and open to all. One unique thing about her was making everyone around her feel valued and comfortable. She saw giving as a duty, ensuring that those who visited never left without something to eat, unless there was no food available.


I remember one day when I returned from school to find the house locked. The hunger I felt that day was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I opened all the pots, but there was nothing. I knew this was unlike my grandmother.

After asking around, I learned she had gone to the farm. I had to sit and wait hungrily on the veranda. Later, she returned with some biscuits and groundnuts and apologized for not leaving anything for me to eat, explaining that it was beyond her control. Though I was small, she believed everyone deserved respect. Not all adults would apologize to a child when at fault; some would even return with a frown, leaving the innocent child feeling uncomfortable and hungry.

When she passed away, it was incredibly difficult for me to move on. The sadness was overwhelming. I remember countless times sitting in a secret corner, crying, hoping my tears would bring her back. The moments we shared constantly reminded me of the virtuous woman I had lost. My mom's words of encouragement helped me move on, but the memory of her continues to ring a bell in my heart, making me wish she were still here so I could repay her for the care she gave me as a child.

Though she is gone, knowing that I carry her lessons and practice them daily makes me feel she is still part of my life. Living as a replica of her is no different from having her here, because it means I embody her spirit. In her memory, I strive to make others happy and put myself in their shoes, just as she did.

Her presence in my life is one in a million and I love anyone around me to always have something positive to say about me. Although not all humans would like you to matter how good you try to present yourself but what matters is making an impact genuinely without eye service.

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