Rules And Justifications

Every society or organization have laid down rules that individual must follow, it enables individuals to understand what is expected of them, and adhering to the laid down rules requires discipline. A lot of people don't like rules, it might feel crushing and strict, but it's necessary in other to maintain fairness and some of these rules are also for our benefit. A popular saying goes thus: Offense does not exist in a country/Organization that doesn't have rules but when there are rules, it's vice versa.


When there are no rules, people will make poor and dangerous choices, everyone will live the way they want and do what pleases them without thinking about others. When rules are made, they justify the reasons why it should be done, they are more like guidelines created for our safety. For example, we are always warned not to make calls while driving, because any distraction can lead to an accident, and when they are caught, and if peradventure someone is caught in the act, they'll have to face the consequences for breaking the rules, A lot of people might feel bad when they face the consequences, but it done to keep us safe.

Rules and Justifications

Rules are laid down due to the experience some people had in the past, and they wouldn't want any bad experience to repeat itself. In schools, students are given rules, and this will help to improve academically and morally, and when they break the rules, they will be punished. In a business organization, rules are also given In others to make each worker make the right choice for the growth of the organization. The same thing applies to driving rules, they are essential for us to follow them. This made me remember the days I was traveling with my in-laws, I sat at the owner's side inside the car and I did not remember to tighten the seat belt.

That wasn't the first time I was doing that, but unfortunately, the road safety officer saw us that day, the car was stopped and we were asked to pay a fine for not following the safety rules. It was my in-law that paid for the fine, but I was pained because if the money had been given to me, I would have used it for something important. One funny fact about some Nigerians is that they don't use seat belts unless they see road safety officers in the front...😂, but in my case, I did not see them, I was caught red-handed. However, I learned my lesson from the ordeal. I always use the seat belt either when we are driving on the main road or inside the street.

Some people do not know the right to do unless we create rules. I can't imagine living in a world without rules, society would slide into pandemonium. Everything we do has its own rules, even life itself has rules, and if we really want to live, we have to follow them. Just like games, there are some rules that you must follow if you don't want to be in danger or if you want to win.

Thanks for visiting my blog.This is my entry for HIve learners prompt,Wk85e3.
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