

I feel privileged to be one of the hivians participating in the newbies initiative training. For the second task, I believe that each and every issue covered in the tutorial post is critical and should be treated as such. For the sake of clarity, I'd like to mention that this specific post will take on a different shape because I'll be practicing as many markdowns as possible. I will, however, ensure that it has no detrimental impact on the post.

I also like to express how pleased I am to be able to share my understanding of the tutorial post and other things I've learned from hive in general. Even as a newbie, I tried my hardest to learn the hive ecosystem and, as early as my second month on hive, I made a post about the use of markdowns. After studying and comprehending the tutorial post by @prayzz, I'll be using various markdowns to respond to the following questions.


Topics of Discussion

  • Plagiarism
  • Sourcing
  • Tags
  • Engagement
  • Vote Begging

Questions from Discussion

  • How has been your experience with hive since you joined?
  • What are your thoughts on plagiarism and vote begging?
  • What are your thoughts on post recycling?
  • How helpful has this post been to you in understanding markdown?


My Hive Experience so Far

I've spent four months on the hive ecosystem so far, and I'm sure I've had my fair share of adventures. Hive is, without a doubt, one of the nicest things that has occurred to me recently. Hive has been a source of keeping me engaged and active, both physically and intellectually, in addition to the monetary benefit. That, however, does not solve the question. So far, my Hive experience has been a mix of lamina and turbulence, which is undeniably the genuine nature of life.

I've had good days where I felt like the hive was my intended destination and bad days where I felt like quitting the system, but the saying "quitters never win, and winners never quit" has kept me going. One crucial realization I've made is that hive is a win-win situation for me; even if I don't receive the necessary support for a post, I still get to improve my writing skills and keep my brain engaged, which is one aspect to living a healthy lifestyle.

Since joining hive, my relationships with people have vastly increased, and I've made it a point to post at least once a day, unless I'm faced with situations beyond my control. Since I started my hive journey, I've made hundreds of postings on average. As I already stated, not every day is the same. Due to little or no support from a post expected to create progress, the thought of quitting can creep in.

I also feel compelled to share some of my sad reality: it appears that the system is devolving a little and now simply cares about engagement while ignoring quality. Don't get me wrong: both quality and engagement are critical, but the right balance must be struck. To be honest, I don't want to keep having these thoughts, but it looks that those who have someone at the top, or whatever it's called, receive more support than those who believe in great content. Of course, I don't expect a wealthy man's child to be impoverished, but it's also unfair to mother nature to leave a poor man's child who is taking the appropriate steps to wander in suffering. I have to draw the curtain for this chapter here and don't forget what I said, my experience so far has been both Lamina and turbulence.

My Thought on Plagiarism & Vote Begging

To call it by it's real name, plagiarism is theft. It is according to Oxford Dictionary,

The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.


Any work or idea used that doesn't originate from us should be properly credited to the original owner of such work or idea.

On the Hive ecosystem, the @hivewatchers aims to sanitize the system as much as possible from plagiarized work, with defaulters receiving mostly downvotes and a possible blacklist depending on the extent of plagiarized work.

Vote Begging
on the other, is considered as an irritating practice. It is the act of soliciting for undeserved support.

The Hive platform is designed to reward posts that appear to be appropriate or worthwhile, but these awards are not entitlement. Someone reading this, is most likely comparing my most recent assertion to what I said six paragraphs earlier. Not to worry, I know precisely what I stated there, and while people may not always make the best decisions, this in no way excuses the vote-begging behaviour.


Relating this to the topic of discussion, going as far as tagging numerous strangers, communities or individuals is a form of vote begging. Curation is entirely curators choice and vote begging can discourage curation while attracting downvotes or mute to the user

Post Recycling

Revamping previous post and post it back on the platform is post recycling. Hive does not limit topics, so selling the same idea over and over again is a fraudulent act. The intent of the hive system is for people to learn new things which is why communities are formed for users to select that in which they are best suited in. Recycling is frown at on hive platform and also have the penalty of downvotes, mute and possible blacklist.


How the Tutorial Post Helped me in Understanding Markdown


Learning is a continuous process. Although, I have always practiced markdown in my posts, this tutorial helped in teaching me some markdowns which I didn't know of before now. Right from when I joined hive, I saw the importance of markdown and how it's beautiful nature helps attract readers to one's blog. Before now, I didn't know of the sub, red colour and boxing markdown. Thanks to the tutorial post for educating me on them

Finally, I'm thankful to the help being rendered to the newbies on hive to have a better understanding of the platform. See you on my next post

Thanks for reading
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