Scent of love

We all have that person in our life that we loved. Love is a word that,when it happens all we have is to sacrifice for our loved one. Love is not only for a boy and a girl. It is also in between you and your sister your family, your brother.

We can not say that love is limited. Love is something that cannot be controlled. We cannot put boundries in love, we dont build walls of atittude and ego. When it is love we kneel down and say "your honour". Even though we give our wishes to the one whom we love. It is the chapter that can not be closed and that cannot be ended. It moves generation to generation. It taught you how to live. How to sacrifice. How to stay silent how to accept those things that you can't even imagine. It is an undying affection. Though we cannot conceal the scent of love.

Even though the word love is not enough for love. It cannot fully describe love. Love will always run towards you when you try to escape from it. It will always catch you. Then neither you go forward nor backward. There is no option left.

Sister is my sister

I did not remember this that much clear but i think so this heading is in the form of song. Or i made it,but my sister is my first priority. If anyone wants to reach her i always try that eye could not be evil.


I always try to clear her way. I always try to protect her. Umm well sometimes i slap her fight with her or we argue. Umhm but it does'nt mean we dont care for each other. Today in sehri she wished me my birthday.

That made me feel special. Lets move towards the topic. She used to be a thief. Umhm a cute thief. You know when we are kids, we find every thing attractive. Money was her weak point. She knows that money can buy her chocolates, her fav candies. So that was the day when she forget her money at home. One of her friend had too much money. She feel like a thirsty crow. A thirst if money to buy candies. When her friend left the class for for a break. She entered with silent feet. Opened her bag and took a note of 50 ruppees.

That was the huge amount of that time. Also this was enough for her desires. She took only that much she needed. When her friend come back into the class she checked her bag their a one note of 50 ruppees was disappear. She make scream and got the attention of the whole class. They all were asking what happend to her. Minahil was quite like a sloth who did not whisper for a once. She knows if she speak she would be gone.

Altohough her friend was aware of whole stole her money. She complained the teacher. She asked minahil about money amd she was still quite. Aftee some arguments her friend slapped her face. Teacher did not even move a bit. I just passed by the class and saw the whole matter. I asked teacher to jump in the class. She said yes. Then she again told me the whole story.

I checked my pocket there was hundered ruppees. I gave that money to her and told her if i saw you again with minahil i will slap on your face as same as you slapped her. Then i asked minahil that if she need money she had to ask me what is the purpose of this act. She was guilty so i try to make her chill.
At least she got her lesson not to steal anyone.

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