Japanese sandwich

Hey everyone i am back. So i remeber that sunday is coming and i have to create something.


● 3 eggs
● breads
● Mayonese
● salt

Lets put them into electric falme

I was in thinking of that and was scrolling tik tok at the same time. Once i was thinking to make prathas and share the recipe with you like before. Then i realise that in previous days i shared a recipe with you people. Now i have to try something new. Suddenly a women pop up in my feed. She was old lady. She was japanese and was sharing the recipe of these sandwiches. So i think this is something delicious to made and easy too. So i stand up,took my cattle, start boiling eggs.

Then i bought some breads. Opened them.

After 5 minutes i took out one egg from cattle. It is the recipe of that lady. She said i like half boiled egg. I liked it too. So i did the same. Other 2 eggs was on plate( cattle's plate). After boiling i peeled them.

Cutt them into half. Then i separated the yolk and white of the egg.

Then i put the yellow of egg into a bowl and mixed it with mayonese and pinch if salt. Because mayonese was also slaty.

After that i mixed the white into the bowl. Converted into a paste. Then filled the breads. She put green vaggies into the paste to make it beautifull. I have no such type of vaggies so i used black pepper.

O wait wait..what about the half boiled egg? I peeled it too and then cuted it inot half and then put into the mid of the bread.

Then i filled the bread with filling and it is ready to eat. Their was a bit tragedy.
When i was capturing the final look. The light of my room turned off. Then i had to capture it with no light.

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