Smartphones: The "All-In-One" Device


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Hope y'all are having a good week. You know it makes sense how technology has progressed immersely through these years up to this time. Technology has definitely had a huge influence on society hence making life more simpler and fun. Imagine a world without smartphones; I'm certain that I wouldn't have made it through the 1960s, when there were none; I doubt I could even do well.

However, if I'm to explain to someone from the 60s what smartphones are, I will describe it to be an "All-in-one" device. You know, then in those days, for those who were not born then, we've come across publications and also we were taught how individuals of those times maintained contact with each other. They used multiple forms of communication such as writing letters, mailing letters, using telephones, visiting computer shops or centers to access the internet, reading newspapers, using paper maps, and so on.

Imagine all the stress one would go through only to send a message/ letter across to another person, first , by bringing it to the post office and before the message would reach the person or before you get a response or feedback from the person it would eventually take a very long time. However, having a smartphone nowadays has made it much simpler for one to stay in contact with friends, loved ones, family, etc. from any part of the globe at their leisure and much quicker by utilizing multiple mediums such as messaging on social media, sending emails, making phone calls, etc.

Also, having a smartphone has made information effortlessly accessible. You don't have to go through the burden of purchasing newspapers and storing them in your home, with this smartphone and a good internet connection you may read news online and watch news online too. Do you know what makes it more fun? The smartphone is a portable gadget that can be taken wherever. It's more like carrying the world and all the knowledge you need in your hand. With a smartphone, you have infinite access to various integrated features such as a camera, music player, boundless new knowledge about what's occurring around the globe, a library, and much more satisfactory entertainment.

You could make a little vlog of your vacation adventures, your journey by covering everything in a video or shooting images merely using your smartphone. You also have access to a map on your phone that would provide you with trustworthy information about your location and the directions you need to reach to your target destination which saves you the money and stress of purchasing a huge paper map to start searching for directions.
Another example, let's assume you have an event you've been wanting to attend and sadly it's been staged somewhere distant from you and you can't go, with a smartphone you might be part of that event wherever you are simply by streaming online using your device.

With that being stated, a smartphone gives lots of benefits and has made life a lot more easy, convenient, and of course more pleasurable with its combined features and softwares implanted in it.

Well, Until next time, Do have a wonderful day.

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