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We all know that life is not easy but we also know that some people have it much more easier than others.
While some people start their life-struggles from the very scratch, some others almost start from the top. while some people are born with no spoon at all, some are born with silver spoons.
While some have little or no resources and connections to develop themselves, some others have laid down structures, connections and resources that has enhanced and sped up their growth and development. Hence the saying "all fingers are not equal".

A lot of us were born with potentials and amazing talents . A lot of us were born with love and passion for certain things.
Many of these talents and potentials are lying fallow, some even dead and forgotten because we lack the resources to nurse and develop them

A lot of us would have done better and made more impart if we had some monetary leverage, If we didn't have to work and do things just to survive but do things because we love and have passions for and because we to effect a change.

I have come to realize that one of the reasons why the children of the rich still continue in their riches and rule over the children of the poor is because of the leverage they have due to the resources, connections and structures passed down to them by their predecessors. Having some sort of inheritance gives one a good advantage and edge of others. It helps one face the trials and challenges of the world without fear.

I have therefore resolved in my heart to do my possible best to make sure that I leave some good inheritance for my generations unborn. I wouldn't want them to toil and suffer as much as I have suffered.

I've been thinking of what would be very beneficial and I think the things I would love to leave for them are ;

  • Land/houses
  • Golds
  • Companies



I chose land and houses because of their essential and long-lasting nature. We all know how that the price of lands almost never depreciate but appreciate over the years. I think it'll be a wonderful asset to them when they grow up. With a land, it's easier for them to build their choice houses, they could sell the land and raise funds for themselves if the need arises, lands are the best collateral for loans. Most financial institutions accept them as collateral and with that you can get loans to finance a project ( that's if you don't want to sell the land). Also, in a case where they plan to venture into agriculture, having a land makes things easier for them. The costs of production would be lower and they could realize good profits at the end. I think land is important so I chose lands.



I would actually have loved to have some money stacked up somewhere for my next generation but I think it's unwise. Considering how the economies of the world have become so unstable and many country currency now lose value overtime unprecedentedly.
I have come to a conclusion that I would rather love to save the money in bars of golds as golds do not spoil and they appreciate over time. Many countries of the world and filthily rich men save their fortunes through bars of golds because it's very reliable.



I would also love to leave a company for my next generation. The best way to sustain wealth is to have a system that runs on its own regardless of whether or not you're present. Setting up a company that serves humanity by solving a problem is a way of creating a system. Eg Ford motors is owned by the Ford family. Although the founder is late, his family still benefits from the company.

My unborn generation deserves a good life and I am willing to pay the price to secure their future.

JvFFVmatwWHRfvmtd53nmEJ94xpKydwmbSC5H5svBACH7ymzBFDMTahjBhpAFXEsBgHZ6DaEsCXGoctSAXy6r54Mgo3GBQEitWLSb4zWdXxoRsAdmPQZd44Ei1hK1FAT1nwbMikvCn (1).jpeg

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