RE: The First Downvote On HIVE: A mixed feeling between frustration, anger shame and the new lesson learned

Hello, I don't know why we keep discussing this. I think I explained my mistake quite clearly, it was not my intention to steal a particular author's article to gain something. I'm still learning all about hive and I welcomed your downvote.. Sorry if you misunderstood my post
And how i Said first... My plagiarized article was built from 4 or 5 articles that I read on Google... That article on binance feed is something new for me
Now, for sure I'm not here to justify my error and I never thought that I would pass easily because at that moment I didn't understood that I am doing wrong ....I make a mistake(how we can do in anything that is new for us in normal life) and it's ok to pay for it...But that doesn't mean I'm a huntur of articles written by other authors

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