Self-development; my passion


I spent a few years working for private organizations, particularly schools, before joining my present place of work, which is a military tertiary institution of learning.

When I was in private schools, the working conditions weren't tolerable to a large extent. I started with a small school that was paying me what I can term a peanut. The money wasn't even enough to cover my living expenses, let alone any other financial plan. However, the only thing I enjoyed in school was some hours of the day that I had to myself. I resumed work between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. daily and closed by 3 p.m. except on Fridays, when it was 12 p.m.

During that period, I complained a lot about my salary. Whenever someone mentioned the flexibility of the job as an advantage, I countered it and wished to have a job that was well-paying, even if it would take my whole time. All I wanted was the money, regardless of how engaging the work could be.

After spending about two years at the school, my prayer was answered, and I got a job at a school that paid better.

As expected, the work was very time-consuming. I would leave home as early as 5:30 am because the school was far from my abode, and I would return home between the hours of 5 and 6 in the evening on a good day. I could be held by traffic some days and would only get home by 7 p.m. or even 8 p.m. on a few occasions. My Saturday wasn't guaranteed to be a work-free day, especially when the students were preparing for an external examination.

It got to a point where the work was becoming choking to me. I started praying for a job that would be flexible for me, like what was obtained in the first school, and provide me with a reasonable income, like the latter.

About three years ago, I got a job at my present workplace, and I can say that it was a blend of the two desirable working conditions. My work is flexible, and the pay is relatively nice.

Within my three years of working here, I have taken advantage of the flexibility of my work to acquire a further degree—a postgraduate diploma in education. Presently, I am pursuing a master's degree in my field of study. This is something that I wouldn't have achieved if I were still with the two former schools that I talked about.

In addition to this, there are some perks that come from the commandant of the institution that make the work enjoyable. Twice or three times in some years, rice is given to every staff member. This has been very helpful because it serves as a lot of relief considering the food inflation that is battling with the economy now.

Each month, there is also an airtime recharge of 2000 naira for every staff member. The airtime may be seen as small, but I can tell you that it serves a purpose for me each month. At least for a week, I may not have to buy a call card.

In all of these, the most valuable and enjoyable to me is the time that I have for myself for self-development. This was what was lacking in my former workplace that made me leave. If taken away from my present work, I can consider quitting.

A man needs to improve himself to remain relevant in an ever-changing world.

That's my philosophy. Once I don't have the opportunity to do that, I find my way out of such a place.

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