They scammed him by using his son

Hello everyone!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy ๐Ÿ˜€

We all are love our family and we can do anything for them in love, that's our love for our family but sometimes we don't know what we're doing and what's the result of it.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

A story of son and father

His son is shifted to abroad since year's and he's living there while he is living here in Pakistan. One day he received a call from an unknown number and he picked the call, the other man on phone call hello Sir, I'm the travel agent of your son named Bilal and now your son is in trouble and need some money, he said that your son is in front of me talk to him.

When he talked to that person on phone mean with his son, he burst in tears and said Dad i need money please give me as soon as possible, his Dad also start to cry after see his son in trouble and decided to help his son. He said Dad i sent you money around 5 Lac PKR and please send me 1lac PKR from it. Dad said it's Saturday today and bank isn't open today, he start to cry and said Dad please arrange this money for me today and return that person on Monday from my money when bank will open.

Image by Jan Vaลกek from Pixabay

His son also said, Dad please don't tell about this to anyone, i don't want to feel shame in front of other. His dad said okay and keep his mouth shut.

He told only to his wife that I've to arrange 1 lac today for our son , his Mom also feel sad to know hos son is in trouble and they start to arrange 1lac. 1lac PKR is equal to 355$ USD. They arrange the money till evening and send to his son through digital wallet because Bank aren't open. And then call back to that number and said we sent the money and confirm us when your problem will sort out.

On Sunday, again he received a call from that number and his son said dad sent me 1lac more and please don't tell anybody in home. His Dad became worried again and think from where i arranged money again. This time he went to his sister and said her to help him by give him money on rent and he'll return this to her on Monday because on Monday bank will open and then he'll withdrawal money which his son sent. His sister sent him 1lac and they sent again to their son.

It's Monday finally!!!

Finally it's Monday and he went to bank to withdraw that money which his son sent to him so that he return the money to those from whom he borrow money. He said the bank manager to withdraw this amount, obviously it's huge amount. It's 5Lac which 1800$ USD which is a huge amount for poor people.

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

When he gave the number to bank , he said there's no account with this number in bank record, he said to check it again with carefully but sadly there's no bank account with this number. Then someone said to him you're scammed by them. And he sent them to 2lac PKR which is almost 710$ USD.

He try to call on that number but that was of now, he called to police and report it to them. But the one thing they can't recognize their son's voice on call, I don't know how it's possible?? Maybe it's just in their luck.

Lesson I got!!!

His wife told me this story a day before as it's true story and i was shocked to know and also i feel sad for them because they're poor and this amount is so much for them. I gotta lesson that if someone said on call that please don't tell it anybody than we should tell other too Because maybe they'll give us some good suggestions.

Thank you for your time and support ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿค

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