Not So High Goals

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

It's very easy to create or finalize goals but it's hard to work on it and achieve them on time. I see people making many goals and mostly make high goals, and then it's hard for them to work on it as sometimes they don't get time to work on it.

This week in hive learner contest we've to tell us about our yearly goals regarded hive, and i was thinking to share my strategies and plan with all of you guys.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Not so much high goals!!!!!

2024 is the busiest year for me as I'll have a lot family functions and family wedding which needs my time, we've a wedding in February which is very close to us and all preparations needs some time. And it's the very obvious thing that I've to take break from hive, now I'm not sure for how much time I've to stay away from hive.

It's easy for me to chase difficult goals as 2023 was the proof of the thing what I'm saying, i achieve my target but i achieve more than my target but then i start to feel ill and suffer with headache and muscle pain, so that's why this year I'll try to not set some hard goals and try to give rest and if I'll extra busy in home chores and duties then I'll take rest from hive.

My goals for hive in 2024!!!

As we've many things to do on hive, like HP, HBD and many layers 2 tokens on hive.

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

HP goals for this year!!!

Now I've 1310 HP in my wallet and I don't want to power down my HP, but I'll power up hive as usual i did in previous year. If i think I'll also achieve 1310 HP in this year than by the end of this year I'll have almost 2.5k HP in my wallet, and it's the least and small goal which i set regarding HP as I don't want to set some high goals because accumulate HP is only possible if i get good curation on my post mean it depends on others.

HBD saving!!!

Now I've 250 HBD in my savings, from which 170 HBD i saved From binance and i can save 70 HBD this year and what if i can success to save 100 HBD for this year.

Leo tokens!!!!

Now I've zero token in my wallet, as i sell 48 leo token and buy HP in the the last Days of December as i want to take a fresh start on leo. I'll start to use leothreads, which help me to get leo tokens and let's see how many leo tokens I'll have by the end of this year.

LOH token!!!

I've 38 LOH tokens in my wallet and I'll try to reach 100 by the end of this year and i think it's easy to accumulate LOH tokens just we've to stay active in ladiesofhive community.

Alive tokens!!!

I'm so happy that I reach to 800 Alive and I'm so close to 1k alive staking and then i can also use alive command to send others Alive tokens.

These are some main thing's which i want to achieve till last of 2024 but i know i can achieve more if i use it with consistency but this year I've plans to give rest to my brain and body too , that's the reason i set small goals which are easy to achieve.

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry to this week hive learner contest in #hl-exclusive for the #hl-w95e2.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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