How was my New year day??

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

It's been almost a week for now that we all have had new year celebration, some celebrate the new year day or night and some celebrate it just like another normal day. So how it was for me??? Let me tell you here as it's asking to us in this week hive learner contest.

Image by FETHI BOUHAOUCHINE from Pixabay

New year celebration!!!

1st January 2024, it's just another regular day for me, as it was a normal day for me like I've always in the whole year. However we did little celebration in the new year night but the day was quite normal. But it was as such how i want to spend it!!!

On new year night, when clock turned into 12 am and when a digit change into another new digit we did firecracker on roof and then cut the cake, my sister @iaiman already shared here how we celebrate the new year night, you can check here.

1st January 2024!!!

I woke up around 8am went to kitchen directly where i found my Mom and i hugged her and wished her new year and kiss her, in return she said nothing change just a digit change and then she gave me some blessings like she wish I'll be happy this year and this year will bring happiness in my life.

Then I said my loveliest new year wishes to my husband who's the most important person to me but after my parents lol 😆 I always put him after parents because I came into this world due to my parents and obviously i met with him because of my parents.

Then I noticed it was actually a new year, a new day and a new week too so I upload a short post on dbuzz and wishes happy new year to hivian's as you're all are important to me as you're a part of my life.

Well!!! The different thing is that this year, i didn't upload a status on Whatsapp, don't know why but I didn't upload new year status on Whatsapp and I just send new years greetings to some love one's.

Almost spend a day on hive!!!

Later, I realized that it was 1st January and the first day of month so I decided to power up hive, as i never missed a single power up Hive since i joined hive. And I start to take a full fresh start of the year in layer 2 token of hive so i sell my tokens and swap them to hive layer 1. Then used them in power up.

My sister said to me she didn't power up hive since previous 2 months and she almost forgot the process so it takes some time to learn her about power up hive.

Introduce inleo to her!!!

As my sister joined hive because of short post or writting short content so I start to learn her about leofinance and how we used it, although I'm not good in daily making thread's due to my busy schedule but i know she can do it because she's a student and student's have time to do especially when they've time.

Image by Iren from Pixabay

So, my new year was just another regular day for me and I spent most time on hive by doing power up and by learning something about hive to my younger sister.

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry to this week hive learner contest in #hl-exclusive for the first topic in #hl-w96e1

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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