My handmade multipurpose phone holder.

Happy Sunday, everyone. I hope we all had a beautiful week. I did my convocation on Monday, and it was one of the best moments of my life. I was busy and couldn't make a post, but I will share it on Hive this week.

For today's Creative Sunday, I made a multi-purpose phone holder. Firstly, I want to thank every member of the community for the warm welcome I received last week. I got the idea of how to make a phone holder for myself while engaging on Hive and felt I could do more with it.

The idea of adding a pen holder crossed my mind, and I drew what it would look like.

I got the materials needed, and they are:

  1. Carton is the main material needed.
  2. Cardboard for designing.
  3. Glue for joining pieces together.
  4. Scissors for cutting.
  5. Ruler for measuring.

After getting the materials needed, I started building my multipurpose phone holder.

To begin, I cut three rectangular shapes twice from the carton, and they will serve different purposes.




The big ones will be the foundation
The medium and small ones will be used for the pen holder and phone rest.

I rolled a small piece of cardboard to form a round shape, and it would represent the stopper. Without it, the phone won't stay properly.

After cutting out all the pieces from the carton, I started joining them together with glue. I love cutting all the pieces down so that I won't spend much time joining them.

I joined the two big cards with glue. I wanted them to be tall and thick, which is why I used two cartons together.

After the glue had dried properly, I joined the two small rectangular shapes to the sides at the end of the long rectangular shape with glue.

I did it one after the other and waited for one to dry before doing the second one.

I also joined the medium-size carton to form a box that will serve as the biro holder and my phone rest.

After I got the box accurately, I placed the phone stopper at the other edge of the big rectangular shape and poured some glue to make it stick permanently.

The multi-purpose phone holder is ready, but it looks too simple, so I cut a small rectangular shape with the cardboard and covered all the edges of the penholder with it.

Finally, I drew flowers on the yellow carton and cut them out. I attached them to the pen holder with glue, and it made the multi-purpose phone holder look beautiful.

With my new phone holder, I can watch kdrama on my phone without holding it. It's safe to watch movies even in the kitchen now. I am so excited and hope everyone love it.

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