Teaching my favorite subject

Teaching is something most of us (or maybe everyone) has done at one point in our life or another and I'm not just talking about professional teaching but also the nonprofessional forms which include subjects not taught in school or just some lessons about life. So, it's safe to say that everyone has had an experience of what teaching feels like.

Now, how about professionally? I have actually taught professionally in the past and one thing I can say about teaching is that it's very fun but only when you're teaching your favorite subject, which makes it easier and feel more natural. I'm quite good in a couple of subjects and I'm very confident I will enjoy teaching them in a school setting but one subject that is at the top of my list is...

Computer science

For those people that know me well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. I have always talked about my love for computers and I love talking about them. Over the years, I have helped a lot of people solve various problems on their phones (I hope you know it's also a computer device?) and later on, I also did the same for desktop and laptop devices.

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Even in the university, whenever a lecturer is having issues with their laptop while trying to use it to teach in class, my name is always called on by my classmates to proffer solutions to the problem (whether I know how to solve it or not 😆 but I always find a way). It goes beyond just computer software and hardware, I also love reading about computers and that includes their history, I find them fun.

In my university, all students are mandated to take computer science as a course in at least one session, and as for my faculty, we did the computer science course for two sessions. During the first computer science exam, I read the entire textbook the night before the exam (about 300+ pages) and I still went ahead to conquer the exam the next day. I got an A, and everyone I helped in the exam hall got at least a B

As for the second computer science that came up in the next session, I didn't even bother to read the textbook coz I was already familiar with most of the concepts and I still got an A in the course. I'm very good at understanding computer concepts and breaking them down to people like they are 5-year-olds. I have received lots of compliments from friends after I helped them solve a computer problem and explained to them why and how it happened.

I have actually taught professionally as a computer teacher in a computer school. That happened when I was fresh out of high school and I enrolled in a computer school. Just after 3 months of being a student, the proprietor noticed I was learning much faster than everyone else and I have even surpassed people that have been there for months before I enrolled, so he made me an assistant teacher.

After a couple of months, I became the main teacher after the previous one left. Even while I was an assistant teacher, most people prefer to call me for assistant because they prefer the way I explain things to them (that's what they said). As it is now, someone can tell me to prepare to teach computer science to high school students tomorrow morning and I will be very much ready to do so.

As I stated earlier, I'm quite good at some subjects and I can easily teach them anytime, any day. The other subjects I can teach are English language and biology; those two are also my favorite subjects. I actually prefer biology and I don't care much for English language but for one reason or the other, I always score higher in English language in any exam. I mean, whenever I write an exam that includes English language, it always has the highest score.

I should probably remove English language from the list because I don't know if I will enjoy teaching it. When it comes to teaching, it's very important that you enjoy the chosen subject because that's what will make it easier for you to teach. Teaching a subject you love and enjoy will boost your confidence, morale, and passion, and that's also one of the things that differentiate good teachers from bad ones.

Thanks for reading

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Twitter: @kushyzeena
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