Opportunity lost, opportunity found

Where should I even start? I have lost a lot of opportunity that I have even lost count of most of them but a few still haunts me till today. To be able to see an opportunity and go after it requires a person who is willing to take risks but sadly for me, I'm not that person. I have lost so many good opportunities because I was scared of the outcome if I chose to take them.

One great opportunity I lost happened during the COVID-19 lockdown. Many of you might remember that this period was when a lot of different ways to make money on the internet became popular and that included ponzi schemes. One of my friends told me about a popular ponzi scheme back then called forsage (some of you in Nigeria might know it) and he tried to invite me to join the day he signed up for it.

After much convincing, I finally agreed and was about to send him the sign-up fee which was around N3000 (roughly $4). But something pushed me to go on Google and search for "forsage review". I saw a lot of negative reviews and many bloggers called it a very risky pyramid scheme. That was all I needed to back out from it and I told my friend I was no longer interested. He was disappointed but there was nothing he could do about it.

A couple of months later, I heard that forsage has crashed and many people lost their capital. I messaged my friend with the aim of telling him that I was right about the whole thing being a scam but then he told me he made over 4 Ethereum with just his initial investment of N3000. I was shocked and to even make the whole thing believable, he showed me a screenshot of his trust wallet and there it was; 4 eth worth around $800 at that time.

Image by drobotdean on Freepik

Luckily for him, he didn't sell them at that point and several months later, the $800 worth of eth became $6000 and then he finally sold them. I was happy for him but at the same time, I was full of regrets for not taking part in the scheme back then. I was very close to sending the money for the registration but I backed out at the last second. After a while, I moved on from the whole thing and just accepted things the way they are.

A great opportunity

After that incident of not joining forsage when I had the opportunity, I tried out a lot of other ponzi schemes that came my way and while things were going smoothly at first, it soon became a nightmare. I gave up on ponzi schemes after so many losses and I started working as a graphics designer. One day, I came across a thread on a popular forum in Nigeria (nairaland) and everyone was talking about the things they do to earn money.

Someone mentioned readcash and hive but at first, I thought they were another type of ponzi scheme so I chose to ignore them but when some people started asking questions, I got to understand them. Seeing as I won't be investing any money, I decided to go into them. I signed up on both platforms the same day but after seeing the amount of work needed to be active on them, I decided to focus on only one; readcash.

I'm so glad I followed up with that opportunity when I heard about it and today, I'm enjoying the benefit of that decision. I won't say I have become rich because of these platforms (readcash and hive) but at least I'm now able to buy the things I want without having to take part in ponzi schemes or engage in illegal activities. Readcash got me a new phone and give got me a laptop and some other things. In a way, they have drastically changed my life, and I will forever be grateful to them.

Thanks for reading

Connect with me on:
Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

Lead image: Image by stefamerpik on Freepik
Edited with Canva

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