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I only experience boredom when...

I don't easily get bored because I'm someone who likes being alone most of the time. After all, it helps me concentrate on the tasks I'm doing and I work more efficiently if I'm alone. Even when I'm around people and I want to work on something important, I usually block my ears with my earpods and pretend they aren't there, that helps me to eliminate distractions.

But most of the things I do are usually on my phone or laptop, which means that the only time I get bored is when my phone and laptop go off, usually due to a lack of electricity. That's the major reason why I have made powerbank a necessity; I don't like my phone going off and that's why I always like to prevent that from happening by making use of a power bank when there's power failure and I can't charge my phone.

What happens when I'm bored?

I think I have already talked about what I usually do when I don't have access to my gadgets in some other article. I have been in a couple of situations where my phone went off and I couldn't find a place to charge it, so I was forced to stay without it and that means automatic boredom. And when that happens, I usually have a couple of things I do to fight the boredom.

The first thing I do is that I start tinkering with the bad electronic devices around the house. I open them up and check if I can repair the damage. Sometimes it goes well and I get them working again but some other times it goes horribly wrong and the device ends up in a worse state than I met them, but at least I gave them a trial but it didn't work out.

Those repairs usually take a lot of time (depending on the size of the device) and that usually keeps me busy for a while. Then when it's night, I stop repairing electronics and start reading (newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and even dictionaries). I do that for a while before I eventually call it a night and sleep off.

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Sometimes I even get bored when I'm pressing my phone but that was something that happened during the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020. After about 2 months into the lockdown, I suddenly got bored of my daily routine of Whatsapp - Twitter - video games - movies. Doing something over and over again tends to get tiring at one point, so I needed something new to spice things up, and that was when I started learning graphic design.

Learning a new skill is one very good way for me to deal with boredom. A new activity is sure to be very fun, even if it's for the first few days or weeks but at least it helps to take your mind away from the usual things you do daily and that's what I do sometimes to escape boredom. Learning a new skill helped me to stay out of boredom and at the same time I used it to earn some money, so it's a win-win situation.

Another thing I do when I'm bored of my usual routine is to download a new video game or start watching a new movie. I don't usually watch movies a lot but whenever I think my life is stuck in one routine that has become boring, I download a couple of TV series and binge-watch them. I prefer series because they are very long (the longer the better) and will usually take me a couple of days to finish one, depending on how many seasons it contains.

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Games also do the trick for me but that usually works when a new game has been released coz I have played most of the available games in playstore. Something like that happened last year when I got bored of playing call of duty (a mobile first-person shooting game) and a friend told me about another shooting game that just got released (Apex legends), so I quickly downloaded that one and things got lively again.

So, from all these I have mentioned, it's usually very hard for me to get bored especially when I'm at the university where I hardly get electricity issues. My phone is always charged and there are a lot of things in it to keep me busy. I also bought a laptop a few months ago, and that itself can also keep me from getting bored, although its battery doesn't last as long as my phone, a couple of hours is still enough for me and can save me from boredom.

Thanks for reading

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Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

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