Hive Learners "Creative Sunday" | Rules & Guidelines | Arts & Sketch, Cooking, DIY

Hello everyone, how are you all doing on this beautiful day? It is indeed a new month and we are all glad to be in it. Welcome to the Hive Learners Creative Sunday Initiative.

In this post, we would give you detailed guidelines on arts & sketch, cooking, and DIY. This would determine how you would package your post so that it will be a creative masterpiece. We would encourage you to read to the end.

Copy of Rules & Guidlines.png

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As the name implies, this involves making creative artworks with our hands. It can be with pencils or pens, it can be with crayons or paint. We just want to see what you can do with your gift and then share it with us. It would be beautiful indeed. Feel free to test your creative boundaries.



  1. Must write at least 300 words while making the content.
  2. You cannot just make carbon copy any other art or sketch. There should be at least 50% unique element from your imagination even if you are inspired by any art/sketch. Tracing is strictly prohibited. Also, must include original art's source if you are inspired by any art.
  3. Digital Art won't be allowed.
  4. You must include separate sections like Tools, Art Steps & Final Part.
  5. Minimum 10 Steps (Photos) of the whole process (including tools, drawing/coloring & final art).
  6. After you have completed your artwork, take a selfie with the final art/sketch (Mandatory).
  7. Include what the art means to you.



Well, this is one thing that everyone is familiar with. Many of us cook on a daily basis, there are those who just do it so they do not starve. And there are those that are adventurous and creative when it comes to the things in the kitchen. Whichever one you are, it is time for you to come and share your gift and skill with us. Teach us something new, it is about time!



  1. Must write at least 300 words while making the content.
  2. You must include separate sections like Ingredients, Cooking Process & Decoration Part.
  3. Minimum 10 Steps (Photos) of the whole process (including ingredients, cooking & decoration part).
  4. After preparing the meal, you will have to take a selfie with the prepared food. (Optional, but Recommended. We can ask for verification anytime if we find anything suspicious).
  5. Include what you enjoy about cooking that particular dish.



In this part, we would be teaching and learning new things that we can do for ourselves instead of having to call professionals. There is one skill or life hack that you know and you have been taking advantage of for a long time. Well, the time has come to share the knowledge. It can be anything at all, as long as it works and you are certain of it, teach it to us in the simplest words and we would be thankful indeed.



  1. Must write at least 300 words while making the content.
  2. You must include separate sections like Tools, DIY Process & Final Product Part.
  3. Minimum 8 Steps (Photos) of the whole process (including tools, DIY & final product part).
  4. After you are done, you will have to take a selfie with the Final Product (optional, but recommended. We can ask for verification anytime if we find anything suspicious).
  5. Tell us about how this has helped you and how you believe it will help us as well.



  1.   Only one creative post per sunsunday for each member. Sending in more than one entry will cancel out everything.
  2.   You must use the tag #creative-Sunday as your first tag.
  3.   Plagiarism of any sort will not be condoned and will be swiftly acted upon.
  4.   The Creative Sunday starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59 (according to your local time) on that same Sunday. Posts before and after that timeframe will not be considered.
  5.   You have to be a verified member to take part in this.

The creative Sunday Initiative will kick off on the 2nd/3rd of July (According To Your Local Time), and it is important you know all these rules before then so that you will know how to craft your entries.

Please remember that it is important to follow each one of these rules in order to avoid your post getting muted or you getting disqualified. The final guideline post on the rest of the topics of Creative Sunday Initiative will be made tomorrow, wr encourage you to stay tuned. Feel free to ask any questions you might have, you can do that in the comments section below or on the Discord channel.

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