The little wins

True happiness appears in different ways to all of us; it occurs on different levels; $100 can actually put some people into a joyful mood, while this $100 is far from anything that could activate some people's joy.

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As for me, true happiness is when my mind is settled and void of any bugging issues, and to me, there's no such feeling compared to that.
Each time I wake up in the morning, my mind goes back to check what happened the previous day and goes forward to see what's coming, and whenever it's assured of no cause for alarm, my mind sparks with excitementđź‘Ś

What are the things that bring this settlement to my mind?

  • The little wins

I trained myself with the popular words from the Holy Bible: "In everything, give things, for that's the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us" (1Thes 5:18) I have the habit of celebrating any small win I achieves, and it gives me so much relaxation whenever I do that. My mind is so soft and any little thing shakes it, so I developed the habit of always being happy with my little wins to keep life going.

Life can never give us all we want, I'm very okay and satisfied with getting these little wins as they come. If I should wait for a bigger breakthrough to come before I get happy, that means I might need to wait for years to be happy, because the bigger breakthrough I'm chasing after is measured to Elon Musk's net worth.

  • When my family and friends are okay

Just like I said in one of my articles, I get scared easily whenever I hear that any of my family members or friends are sick or dead. My mind drifts away from anything called happiness whenever such news touches my heart. But in a situation whereby all the people around me are fine, the mind becomes joyful and relaxed—no bugging thoughts anymore.

Do I have all these now?

Truth be told, I have them now, but I need more of them.
The little wins I've been getting have been doing a good job in keeping me glad, but there's absolutely nothing bad if I get bigger 'little wins' that will make me hit my ultimate target very soon. I really have a big dream I'm chasing, and it's as if the more I move closer, the more it walks away, but it's fine as long as we are not relenting.

As for the well-being of my family and friends; it has been on a good note, but money is needed to keep extending a helping hand to them.

We are not praying for bad to happen, but imagine a situation where I'm being called for $1,000 to save a family member from dying in the hospital, and I couldn't give out because I don't have it. It'd be so bad.

Yeah, I need more Wealth to be able to reach out to my loved ones and make them happy because once they're fine, I'm fine

Thank you reading.

This is my entry to the Week 76, Edition 01 of the Weekly Featured Contest in Hive Learners Community.

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