My Most Recent Hospital Experience

I can vividly remember how it happened that day when I spent a full night in an hospital bed.
On a Thursday evening around 7:00 p.m., while I was sitting outside taking fresh air with my phone, a message from my brother who was inside the house popped up, and it read:

"Bro, please come inside if you're around."

I was so surprised because this is someone inside the house; he could have come outside to talk to me if it was something serious. I thought and sluggishly went inside, lo and behold, I met him rolling on the bed, pressing his stomach in pain.

That was the first time seeing him in such a condition in the two years we've been living together.

I rushed him, and I was able to identify the pain as stomach pain. I quickly went outside to get him drugs, and miraculously, he became calm after taking the medicines, and we were able to sleep through the night in peace.

Early in the morning, he got up looking fine and travelled to his church city for the weekend. He usually travel to the city every weekend for church.

In the Afternoon of that Friday, he called to tell me that the symptom came up again in a dangerous manner, and he got admitted to the hospital by the pastor of his church.

Mehn, I suspended my activities for the day and travelled to the city to be with him.

I remember how disappointing it was for me that day, Nigerian females had a match, and the helter skelter almost made me not watch the match, but thank God for online streaming on my phone.

I got there and met him lying on the hospital bed with a drip attached to his hand. The pain had subsided, thank God.

Own Image

He's my immediate younger brother, and our parents or any other siblings were far away from us, so I had to stay put in the hospital to be with him all through the night. It was a private hospital, and there was electricity all through the night. Thank God I went with my charger. Funny enough, I didn't even take toothpaste or a toothbrush with me, but I remembered a charger and an earpiece.

That night, I saw a mini-hell with bloody mosquitoes. The mosquitoes were looking so fresh, like they were being reared like normal animals.

With this, I couldn't sleep, and I stayed awake throughout the night. Yes, I was supposed not to sleep and watch over my brother, but he was fine already and I needed to sleep.

The next day, the doctor brought a report that confirmed that the sickness was appendicitis and suggested an operation to put an end to it.

"How far should we arrange for the operation?"

I asked my brother, and he frowned at it and said No. Trust people with faith.

When his pastor came, I told him and asked for his suggestion because my brother is just like a son to him, and he said he's not in support of the operation.

"Let's be faithful!" We agreed.

I arranged for money from my account to foot the bills around 1:00 p.m. that day, and we got discharged.

He stayed back at the pastor's house while I travelled back to my residential city.
When I got home, I soaked myself in water and slept like I had not slept for a week.

Thank God he's fine and hasn't been disturbed again.

This situation occured last year and that has been my last recent hospital experience.

Thanks for reading

This is my entry to the Week 69, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured Contest in Hive Learners Community.

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