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Going back to 2009

Greetings people!

If you have the opportunity to reduce your age, that is, to become younger than you are at the moment, will you do it? What will you use this second chance to do?

Image designed by me via canva

If I have the opportunity to become younger, will I use it? The answer is a big YES! Who doesn't want to be younger?
As bitter as this truth may look, a good number of youths don't feel like getting to 30, and I'm one of these youths.

But this doesn't mean I don't like my age, naaah! I'm proud of how far I've come and the hurdles I've crossed at my age, even though the results have not been that forthcoming.

What age would I reduce it to?

My upbringing wasn't a rosy one; it was full of 'management' here and there, so trying to figure out the perfect age where I enjoyed life so I can settle for it, is a little bit hard.

The period I know I enjoyed life was when I was in secondary school with fewer troubles because I was feeding from Mama's pot, but lots of farm work was there too. I would have loved to settle with going back to that age, but you know what? I did not have a phone then. Yeah, I didn't have a phone all through my secondary school; it was after I had finished the main set that I got a phone.

Since it's an imaginative writing I would choose 14 years younger. 14 years from my current age is...🙄(thank God I don't have a family member here).

14 years ago, that is 2009.

I think I was sensible at this age; yes, I think so because I watched South Africa 2010 a little. The Indomie generation will not understand this part.

Actually, what made me pick this year was BTC. I heard that people accumulated huge quantities of BTC via airdrops and faucets. Where was I during that period?😭 It's so unfortunate that at that period, I didn't know anything about crypto, and people were smart then, accumulating BTC.
If we happen to have a rewind to that period, I would accumulate and get as many quantity of BTC as I want.

More also, going back to the year 2009, I really have a lot of things to correct in my life and some of them are as follows:

  • Learn a good skill.

To be sincere, there's nothing as sweet as mastering a skill at a very young age. The more you practise it as you grow older, the more you masters it and becomes a pro.
Not only this, but learning a skill at a young age will remove the struggles of fighting times and the chances of learning it at an older age. There are a lot of things I would want to learn now, but no single time.

These are things we didn't know earlier and were just focusing on school because we were told that school is the GOAT.

In my family, we've seen the importance of acquiring a skill, so we've pushed my younger siblings at home to register into these trainings, and at the initial stage, they were dragging feet, but I'm glad they've adjusted now.

  • I would pick up writing as a very good side hustle.

Just like I always tell my friends, I wish I knew about writing while I was in school; it would have helped my financial life a lot.

I know there was nothing like HIVE platform back then, but I'm sure there were platforms where people were blogging and getting paid. How come these things didn't come to me then? We were busy losing money to Ponzi schemes.🤧

Imagine blogging and accumulating the whole money in a wallet untouched while the parents provide everything.

Let's stop these fantasies here

Thank you for reading.