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Are we all equal?

"Do you believe everyone is created equal? Why do you think so? What do you feel can be done to make the people of the world more equal? Please share with us."
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  • Physical built

Talking about equality with creation, it's obviously clear that we aren't created equally; although we may have the body parts completely, but some have some of these complete parts bigger than others, and some have lesser parts. That's why people live with body insecurity, hence going for surgeries to perfect some parts that they feel God didn't do well enough.

I don't know how it got to this point where the blacks became inferior in the presence of the whites. Although the intention of the creator wasn't like this, we humans have decided to take advantage of the scenario.
We've seen racism at play on different occasions, especially in the football world, where the whites feel superior and shade any black doing better in their land. So bad!πŸ’”

Although God created us equally in His sight but we are never equal among us.

  • Background

We have seen people born into wealthy families with a silver spoon in their mouth; they need not struggle to get anything at all. The only time some of these people sweat is when they go to the gym centre. This is to tell you how comfortably they're living. While we also have people born into poor families without any spoon in their mouth, not even a rubber spoon. These people sweat before they see food to eat.

To the creator, these two sets of people were perfectly created and sent into the world with different backgrounds, with the mindset that they'd have a way to balance each other. But do they really balance out in life? Food for thoughtπŸ€”πŸ€”

Were we created equally?

If you check and balance the situations of our existence on this planet, you'll see that we weren't created equally; although body parts are complete, but other aspects are not balanced.

Oh! A Bible passage just came knocking, and it's Matthew 26:11, where it is said "that the poor will always be among us". Gossssh! That's to say that there are people made to be poor. Although if we dig deep, we'll see that nobody is permanently poor but the poor will continue to evolve among us🀧

The popular phrase "All fingers are not equal" comes into play here. No matter what, there are people with more special privileges in life than others. A clear example are people with special gifts. Although we all have gifts in us but some people are far better. You may say that the people who are not using theirs are not smart enough compared to the people who are making waves with theirs, but you also know that these gifts differ. You want to compare Ronaldo with Maguire?πŸ‹οΈ

What can we do to amend this?

I don't think there's any solution in our hands. The only step we've taken, and it's been a little bit helpful, is shunning racism. Although it's looking like the world has accepted it but deep down in the hearts of many, they're not still cool with it and would fight it anytime they are opportuned to.

To balance out our inequality, it's totally in the hands of the creator of the universe. He should just scatter the world and start afresh with an uncorrupt mind.

Thanks for reading.