(Weekly Featured Contents) My Favorite Music : DJ and Popular Music | Week 03 Edition 02

Hello everyone

How are you all ? I pray that you are in good health and always given success wherever you are. In this edition, I want to tell you about my favorite music and why I like it.

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"Listening to Dj music will make your heart and feel happy. maybe not everyone likes DJs but when they do and it fits this music. then slowly they will always listen to this music and sometimes they will dance when listening to this music."

What is DJ Music

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Music DJ or disc jockey is a genre of music played by a professional in terms of mixing music melodies and making a different and interesting music rhythm to listen to. they previously recorded music and played it with high notes and they changed the rhythm of the music on each melody so that it would create a new and interesting music to listen to. But sometimes also, there is also DJ music that is not interesting to listen to because the people who process the rhythm of the music and the music brands are not yet experts or have recently been involved in DJ music so it will sound strange and sometimes no one wants to hear. So it takes more expertise to make this music. Due to the complexity, the long manufacturing process and the need for special considerations in making this DJ music, I am very interested in this music. I am also interested in popular music that has just been released. I don't want to miss an album to hear the latest and most popular music.

The origin of DJ music

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According to some sources, music DJ was first introduced by a radio announcer in the 17th century. They played discs during live radio broadcasts. The disc that was played was better known as a gromophone at the time. then the term disc player or disc jockey is more familiar to be known in order to make it easier to call it. DJ music development is very fast until now. even in one concert a professional dj player, can invite millions of people to hear the music. This is supported because of the increasingly rapid development of DJs with music compositions that are pleasant to hear and various DJ techniques played by disc jockeys.

Why I like DJ music and popular music

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I got to know DJ music for the first time when I was in 2nd grade of high school. my friend brought a very large and complete sound system to school because at our school there will be a big and lively event. After the process of setting up and installing the sound system and testing the sound, they played a piece of music that sounded new and interesting to me. I immediately asked my friend what kind of music is it? then my friend said you have never listened to this music? This is the latest DJ music. So from that moment on, I was immediately interested in DJ music. I continue to look for the latest album from DJ music, even I am willing to go out of town to look for the latest recordings from DJ music because my love for music is getting stronger every day. I also like a professional named Alan Walker and several other professional DJs such as Armin Van Buuren, David Guetta, Tiesto and several other professional DJs.

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I also like popular and viral music with various genres of music, be it DJ, POP, JAZ, and others. because for me popular music can produce something new for me. not just a music but the latest melodies, the latest techniques and the implied meaning of the music. therefore I always follow the development of popular music from the past until now.

Three songs that I like and often listen to

Lily - Alan Walker

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The first music I like the most is from DJ Alan Waker entitled lily. This song was composed by Alan Walker and two other singers in 2018. I like this song because the story of this song relates to a mystical thing about a girl named Lily who from a young age never came out of the castle walls. so that one day Lily came out and met a mystical figure who was following her. Besides that, the remix of DJ Alan Walker is very interesting for me to listen to, so I often play this song.

Faded - Alan Walker

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The second music that I like the most is still from DJ Alan Waker entitled Faded. This song was created by Alan Walker in 2015. I like this song because the story of this song relates to a story of a meeting that ends in separation. This song tells my own story. i have a friend who i care about and we almost became boyfriend. Because of the rules and regulations, we had to separate. I always listen to this song to remember my story.

Alone - Alan Walker

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The third music that I like the most is still from DJ Alan Waker entitled Alone. This song was composed by Alan Walker in 2016. I like this song because the story of this song is related to unity. I remember this song with my union with my friends and the community I belong to. our relationship in one community is not always good. but because of unity and unity, then we continue to defend it.

Maybe that's enough of my story this time. I hope my story is interesting for the readers. I apologize if there are words that are less understandable. great respect from me as a writer. Regards @kingpost99

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