Impending Failure Unnoticed | Week 16 - Edition 03

Hi Hivians

How are you today? I hope you are all well and always be given success wherever you are.In this modern era, games are a tool used by many people, both for refreshing, having fun, and some even taking advantage of games as a field to earn income. In this digital era, everyone can play games, both young people and even the elderly. generally they play games through their digital devices such as smartphones, PCs, laptops, and playstations. but have we thought about the impact and consequences of playing games? In my opinion, the impact caused by playing games is very dangerous, especially among children. so in this edition, I want to write about Impending Failure Unnotified. I hope that my writing in this edition will be of interest to all readers and Hivian friends.


(pixabay) Foto By : superanton

A ticking time bomb that can rage at any time

Video games are a means of entertainment that many people use to have fun so that they can be used as a means to channel one's emotions. video games can be played anytime, anyone and anywhere. in video games, there are many positive and even negative factors that exist when we have played the video game. However, on this topic, I want to write about the negative factors that result from playing video games, especially the addiction to video games.


(pixabay) Foto By : DG-RA

Addiction is an attitude of forcing oneself to do something that is inherent in them and this factor is very difficult to change and can even harm others. people who are addicted to something, their emotions will be unstable and tend to be angry and can even result in criminal acts. as with video game addiction, generally people who are addicted to video games will find it very difficult to get away from their gadgets and the games they play. they will leave important work to play the games they play. In this case, children are very dangerous objects if they get addicted to heavy games.


(pixabay) Foto By : ruslana_art

Video game addiction in children is very dangerous because the emotions formed in their heads are not yet fully stable so they will tend to fight if advised well. there are many cases where children will fight their parents who advise them to stop playing video games and do more important tasks for them such as doing homework and studying school lessons. However, if they are already heavily addicted to playing video games, then they will continue to fight and will even rage because the contents of their heads have been controlled by addiction to playing video games. this can cause their manners will be lost little by little and the achievements they get will gradually disappear like a ticking time bomb that can explode at any time. and even, if they play paid games or game features that require cash to buy superior features in the game. they do not hesitate to spend their pocket money so they are not afraid to steal other people's money. the important thing is what they expect to be fulfilled because they are addicted to the game. if they are good at committing crimes at a young age, then when they grow up they will be very professional in committing a crime and can harm other parties and even many people.


(pixabay) Foto By : natureaddict

So my advice, parents should always monitor their children's activities in playing video games, such as applying for a few hours they have to play video games and what games they should play. For me, parents here do not break their child's dream to become a gamer. however, parents continue to support their children to be good at playing a game but on condition that there must be a balance between playing games and doing other activities so that their children are more awake and more successful in achieving their goals in the future.


(pixabay) Foto By : sasint

Maybe that's enough of my writing in this edition. I hope my writing this time interesting for All readers. I apologize if there are words that are not understood. great respect from me as a author

Regards @kingpost99

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