In line with the hive learners contest prompt for week 69 episode 3, which you can read about here I will be talking about my name, and everything related to it. So with no further ado, let me jump right into it.

My full name is KELVIN OGHENEOVIE, AYOMIDE, OLAMIDE, OLUWAFEMI AFORKOGHENE. They are actually more than this, but these are the ones I'm often called by family friends, and relatives. My dad is from Isoko north area of Delta State and my mum is from Ijebu-ode, Ogun state, reason I have both Yoruba and Delta names (more of Yoruba names though). Although I have a lot of names I only answer three of them officially which I'm thinking of changing when I have time. My official name is KELVIN OGHENEOVIE AFORKOGHENE but I don't like answering my sun name AFORKOGHENE, because when I was much younger I was answering the sun name SAMUEL (My grand father's name) until my mum decided we all answered my dad's native name AFORKOGHENE which is usually difficult for a lot of people to pronounce. I decided when I was old enough, I will answer my dad's English name instead FESTUS.


KELVIN: Apart from the unit of measurement kelvin scale, the name Kelvin means Friend of Ships and Noble Bright. It was first given to William Thomas, the 1st Baron of river kelvin in 1892... Well, this is not a history lesson so I will leave it here.

AYOMIDE: Meaning my Joy has come.

OGHENEOVIE: Meaning God is King

OLAMIDE: My wealth has come.

OLUWAFEMI: God loves me.

AFORKOGHENE: Meaning wait for God, or leave everything to God.


My parents didn't know the meaning of Kelvin when they named me, I remember asking my mum as a child the meaning of my name it was then she made a little research (she never knew I caught her) before telling me. Later on, when I got much older we were talking about my name and then she mentioned she heard the name when she was pregnant with me, liked it, and decided if she had a son she would give him the name Kelvin. The other names were given to me by my grandma (OLUWAFEMI) and my mum's sisters (AYOMIDE AND OLAMIDE). My mum later gave me Ovie (While my sun name was still Samuel) after realizing I wasn't having a name from my father's tribe (My dad didn't care). My grandma and Aunts usually Address me by the name they gave me, only my dad and friends call me Kelvin. My mum addresses me by my tribal name Ogheneovie.


I'm just starting to realize that almost all my names are pointers to Leadership and wealth. Kelvin, (A name given to Barons) OVIE, (king) OLAMIDE (Wealth). And not forgetting, all my names are rooted in God except for my first name. Looking at my life growing up, I have always been in a position of leadership, regardless of being an introvert. I don't stay in a place for too long without being recognized, and anywhere I'm not recognized, nothing is happening there. I wouldn't say I'm great at leadership either, but when the opportunity comes I love giving myself to service. In fact, going into politics after school is one of my lifelong dreams, so don't be surprised if one day I come up here saying I'm contesting for a political positionšŸ˜‚. This is all about my name.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, until next time.

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