- Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
______ Abraham Lincoln ______


There is one thing I have been passionate about since I missed the opportunity to study marine geology in 2015. That thing is currently who I am and what has propelled me to do the things I do.

  • It made me gain interest in writing

  • It made me curious as to how social media works

  • It has made me want to know more about business

  • It exposed me to the tech world

  • It gave me a goal and a purpose

  • It made me start up a scholarship program even while running a course.

  • I have been mocked several times because of it.

  • People around me are tired of hearing me talk about it.

  • Although I am currently making progress on it, but for the last 5 years I have failed consistently in it.

  • Because of it I think I have even forgotten what it meant to succeed in something.


15 minutes is more than enough for me to talk about ADVERTISING & MANAGEMENT FOR BUSINESS.

Of a truth I have never been given a platform to talk to Advertising and management for Business and If I have the opportunity I will incorporate into the mind of small business owners the needs and reasons they need to advertise their business strategically.

I have studied so many business (the ones that rised to fame, the ones that fell from fame and the ones that fell even before they could rise) and I discovered they all succeeded and failed under the umbrella of advertising and management for businesses.

Take a look at coca-cola today, you never see them telling you they have sweet drinks come and buy. Instead the talk mostly on the environment how you can take care of it and then take a chilled bottle of coca-cola to refresh you.
Now noticing this what most brands do is copy coca-cola's strategy which might work for some, fail for some but definitely will not give the authentic level of success required.

But most companies and brands do not know this most especially small business. Many do not even know what true success means to a business that is why they just try anything that increase leads and sales. Most brands forget that customer loyalty among other things is more valuable than money and will never want to listen to those passionate about solving these problems.

I saw the need for advertising and management for Business important when my dad's multi Millon naira business crashed because he wanted more sales and ever since then I told myself I will never do a business if I'm not sure of the success of that business.

Just to show how passionate I am about it, one of my professors in school gave a project that would require us creating a business plan and talking about it. It wasn't difficult for me since I already had one but I also created a business plan for over 20 students in various aspects of business mostly highlighting the marketing strategies that would be good for each of this businesses. It would have been more than 20 if I had the time to do more. But then I discovered that most of the business plan I wrote where for already existing businesses and these students never knew 90% of the marketing strategies I highlighted but the were doing the business still.

And this is not just about the students. It's common with many business owners, you find out they do not plan for their business before venturing into it, they are only after the money they can make from it and I wish to correct that notion.

I believe I can do all these and more in 15 minutes because I have spent some much time building my capacity on it.

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