When it comes to family planning, the majority of Africans find it difficult. It's too sad to see that unwanted pregnancies occur in a lot of marriages as they occur outside of marriage. It's become so bad that the only thing some people do in marriage is give birth until the sweetest in marriage dies. Well, I'm not here to talk about marriages, however in my opinion I feel since a lot of couples can not plan their families, regulations should be set to ensure family planning. At first, such regulations could look hard on the citizens, but I think these are the kinds of things a lot of Africans, especially Nigerians, need to be careful of. Some couples shouldn't even be giving birth at all, because they do not have the financial and mental capacity to care for a child.

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Imagine a couple who can hardly feed themselves giving birth to seven children. At the end of the day, they put these children into child labour and end up raising touts with no love and care which will end up terrorizing society. If we can find a way to control how children are born, I think we will be able to save the future generation from poverty. The issue with family planning is that a lot of people lack this awareness, and even when they are aware they find it difficult to control it because they feel they are free to do whatever they want since it's not against the law. So this means that when such people know that giving birth to children you can't raise is against the law, they will do whatever it takes to avoid it.

It's a natural phenomenon that exists in humans. Fear has a greater chance of making people do whatever you want them to do than motivation. For example, in Nigeria, it has long been said that throwing the Nigerian Naira on the floor and stepping on it is considered an abuse of the Naira. But a lot of people do it because the awareness wasn't enough and it was used as a form of pride to whoever owns the money. But when the news started reporting about celebrities who were arrested and suffered some months in prison because they abused the naira, even illiterates got the message loud and clear. This shows that the government has regulatory power over its citizens and if there is any right way to enforce them, it's in this scenario.

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The issue with my country Nigeria is that a lot of our regulations, policies and laws are disregarded by even those in power making it hard for citizens to obey them. Imagine a country whose president is already polygamous because of religion and way of life. Having a lot of kids will definitely be hard to control. My issue here is not even with being polygamous, my issue is with birthing children you're incapable of raising. This is why I feel if the government put up regulations about parenting and childbearing unwanted pregnancies will be reduced by a large margin with not only the married, but also the unmarried.


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