Today I will be talking about a trial moment in my family, which will be my entry into the hive learners contest prompt for week 69 episode 2. To know more about the contest, check out @kronias post here

With no further ado, let me dive right into the topic.

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The year 2020 was a very trying moment for my family because we were going through some really bad financial challenges due to the debt my dad ran into. Although the challenges started in 2015, but between 2018 and 2021 it was almost like hell on earth. I had to drop out of school In my third year as my parents could no longer afford my school fees in 2018, my sister couldn't take her Jamb, Waec, or Neco exams because my parents couldn't afford them also.

After dropping out I had to start looking for a job so I could support the family as my dad was going from one police station to another, and court case after court case with no money to afford a lawyer for himself. My family was begging to eat during that period as that was the only way we could feed at least once a day. Thankfully I was able to secure a Job earning about 30,000 naira monthly as a social media manager, and my sister was able to secure a teaching job with a private school owned by a member of our church.

It wasn't long before my sister started earning more than me as she started taking extra lessons for her students, and it wasn't long too when she was teaching almost all the children in our neighborhood earning about 70,000 naira. Just when it was like we could finally feed well a bit since 100,000 naira was coming into the family monthly, my came back from work complaining of dizziness until she finally passed out in the kitchen that day. Luckily we were able to revive her and made sure she took enough rest. My mum got her some vegetables as we all thought it could probably be a shortage of blood.

That evening we took her to a pharmacy and all the symptoms she explained made the pharmacy give her some multivitamins and blood tonic. She had to call the office the next day and pleaded that she wouldn't be able to come to work because of her health for which she was permitted to stay home and rest. But then, it wasn't long after she called the office that she passed out again. We were able to revive her again thankfully, but this time more concerned as to why she passed out again. That evening I came back from work to hear from my little siblings that my sister was in the hospital because she had passed out again. This time it was in church and some good Samaritans alongside my parents rushed her to the hospital. One of those that took her to the hospital offered to pay for a test to be carried out on her of which that night she was diagnosed with appendix.

According to the doctor, her appendix was overripe and if nothing is done it could burst inside her. It was on a Friday, so I wasn't going to work the next day but had to stay with my siblings that night while my parents stayed with my sister at the hospital. My dad came home that night to get some of her things after the person who helped pay for the test, also paid for the surgery to remove her appendix that same night. I got to know everything when my dad came back to get her things, but couldn't go with him because of the little ones at home.

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The next day I got up early to take care of the kids, especially the last born who was still a baby, and later we all went to see my sister. They had finished the surgery already, and she was yet to wake up. Seeing her laying on that bed, I wished I could take her place, but it was clear there was nothing I could do. Some hours later she woke up, and immediately it was as though she was going to pass out again because of the excruciating pains from the surgery, but the nurses came on time with some painkillers injections which worked after about 10 minutes. We had to pin her down to the bed as she was moving in pain, she couldn't shout, so the only ideal thing she could do was move in a way. But we had to stop her from moving so she doesn't injure herself in the process.

I almost cried seeing my younger sister in such pain, but I knew I had to put myself together for everyone. Later on, she became a little better, she couldn't eat anything solid due to the surgery, so we had to feed her liquid like tea, and pepper soup, and semi-liquids like pap and custard. She was in the hospital for two weeks because the place she had the surgery (her lower abdomen) was still bleeding so I was going to see her daily after work until she was finally discharged. I'm grateful my family is passed that now, but it still remains an unforgettable experience.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, until next time.

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