The Secret Room Job: The story of overcoming self-esteem when you're rejected

There was a gentleman who attended a lecture on how to overcome fear in public speaking. He wanted to become a very good public speaker, and the trainer shared all the techniques of becoming an expert. One important tip was to start with a dramatic opening. The trainer said, "The most important years of my life were spent in the arms of a lady who was not my wife," and the audience gasped. He then added, "That lady was my mother," and everyone clapped in appreciation for being able to go beyond the relationship of a wife and highlight the significance of a mother, which is actually true.

**Inspired by this technique, the gentleman tried it in his own village but got overwhelmed with fear and forgot the punchline. He realized that comparing ourselves to others can lead to fear and insecurity, forgetting our unique abilities and strength to do it the right way at once no matter what the environment looks like. Most of us, our try and error journey to failure set in just immediately after the first encountered with little error, abuse and self-esteem manifestation which means nothings but imaginary fallacy.

Each of us has the ability to express love, affection, and contribution towards ourselves, others, and people at large if we dig deep enough to find our root of comfortability and prepare enough to make the reality a memorable experience.

**## The Secret Room Job

Honestly, if you truly want to overcome, you really need to overcome in the secret room first before the main day. The secret room is a room where you cook ourselves in and out and give top-notch touches to your craft.

**>## Your secret room is your rehearsal ground. I mean a special place where you and only you do justice to yourself without mercy.

The secret room is a cooking room where all the necessary recipes are added to your craft and design the reality of dreams in a way that suits you, your style, and ego. Conquering inferiority complex is to conquer fear and doubt, empowering your self-awareness to the level of knowing who you are, your worth, and why you do what you do.**

*****Lastly, please grab this fact:*

Conquering inferiority complex means conquering yourself, conquering your self-esteem, conquering your fear, conquering your weaknesses, conquering your responses, and conquering your feedback

ā€¢ā€¢Conquering your doubt means overcoming the source of your worries, overcoming past failures, and overcoming your timid nature

ā€¢ā€¢Overcoming procrastination means overcoming another day of idleness, overcoming another year of delay, and overcoming the reality of inferiority complex.****

Thank you so much for staying until the end! šŸ˜ƒšŸ™ Please share your thoughts.

If you feel happy within yourself, it doesn't matter how you appear or who you are. Being content and happy internally allows you to value what you have and appreciate it. Let's try to make small changes gradually and see how it goes.

Always remember to be grateful for what you have, as someone else may dream of having it. So, learn to be thankful and appreciate your blessings.šŸ™šŸ™šŸ’Æ

Thanks a lot for being here with me, and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback.
See you in the next post! Until then, keep learning and exploring...

I hope this helps. Thanks for reading my post. I am @Kennymiracle by name, and don't forget to follow me for more.**


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