A hillbilly's effort in the sophisticated world of Crypto and Content Creation.

I'm often taking the bull by the horn whenever I want to dive into something especially if it's something that leads down a road of laudable accomplishment. I take on challenging situations even when I know that the odds may not be favorable and I do this with so much purpose and inspiration.

That side of me that wants to give things a try is due to the series of experiences I've had in my attempt to get the best out of life. I've tried things and I've failed. However, I've also succeeded in some other things. And, there are lessons to learn from each outcome. The most important is that you will never be sure of the outcome until you make an effort.

I had an interesting experience in 2020. For the record, I call it 'interesting' because I'm trying to be nice. However, it was a rough time in my life and I'm sure it was pretty damn rough for most people too. Wasn't it? I'm talking of the Covid19 period and all the lockdowns that came with it.

Covid19 as y'all know started as a health issue and people were scared all over the world, but the ripple effect of the pandemic blew outta proportion and led to job loss, the shutdown of businesses, macroeconomic issues and lot more. The effect wasn't just felt by one lad. It was felt by the vast majority of the world and many countries are still facing the consequence of the pandemic.

At that moment, I got into a new apartment in the Northern part of the world and it usually costs a fortune to relocate. So, I was low on cash during the pandemic. Aside from that, my work in a commercial Bank in the region had to be paused according to the Covid19 law. It messed up my finances quite badly and I was still spending daily.

At a point, it became obvious that I need to get an alternative source of income. The only option was to do things online and I wanted to do something legit. After digging through several job listing sites, submitting lots of CVs and getting lots of crickets/rejections, I finally found one that looked like a fair catch. WRITING. Hehe.


That was the first time I got introduced to writing online and it was a platform built on Ethereum. It was also my first involvement with Crypto. I fancied the idea of writing and earning Crypto, but I had two major challenges;

  • Firstly, I've never been a writer and never nursed the idea of writing something good enough to be monetized.

  • Secondly, I didn't know anything about Crypto except that it's the trending goldmine. Hehe.

I was basically like a hillbilly jumping into a world with a 1% chance of success and a 99% chance of 'the opposite of success'. Haha. Yuk! Those days were not easy.

I had the will to give it a try. The worst that would happen is that I will do a poor job, get no Crypto and quit when it becomes obvious that I wouldn't succeed. I said that to myself... It was a weird pep talk. Hehe.

As you can see, when I ventured into Crypto and content creation, I lacked the skill to do any of that. However, I was ready to make an effort.

This experience could have gone so many ways and it surely did. But, I'm still here, mates. I'm here and I'm getting deeper into the world of Crypto and Content Creation.

Now, tell me if the outcome was worth the effort.

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Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash.

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