No One Can Predict Their Not Even Myself

Prediction is something no one is able to achieve maybe only God, I guess is he is the omniscience, I also learnt he is the Omnipotent. God is the almighty he is the one who knows the beginning, and he knows the end, So, I am sure he's the only one who can predict and it comes to pass even in our own lives. We are humans we cannot really say or predict how our own future would be but we can work towards it so it could be better in the way we want.

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I don't know about forign country but here in my country prediction is in it's 10% chance if you are in this my content reading and you are a Nigerian then you know the drill already my country Nigeria is not a country where you would be predicting future, No, System is a bad one, Economy is very bad on top of it all the country does not have it's citizens interest in mind.

My country Nigeria with what is going on i can actually say with a great confidence that our better days are not in a country like this i have come a long way in the my country to see that nothing never change. In a country were we are not known even in the American country all citizens are known in a data whatever happens to any one it can be traced and situation will be solved.

My country doesn't even know I'm a citizen they don't even have any file of me i am very sure of what i just said the only means they will use to identify is an identification card which to get it is a very long process to that's tiring to anyone.
Based on what is going on i can't say it will stop me from achieving whatever I want to achieve in my future, I can't predict my future, I can only believe in a better future for myself, I am sure with what is going on the country now I can't say what my future would look but I can assure you it is actually helping me be optimistic about it my future.

With my present situation, With a troubled nation like mine, I will be successful man, It is not predict but it is what i am anticipating, I want to make in the future it's my drive ever since i became a man, I can tell you with everything I do go through everyday it motivates me to want to make in the future. I working towards having a better future i can't predict my future i can only work towards it for it to be better in the future.

What the future holds I do not in anyway have an idea and with a country like mine it is an 10% chance that someone can even predict their future here no one can not even a fortune teller, So i will end this by saying no body can predict his or her future but he or she can only work towards having a better one.

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