I Do not Say I Am Sorry Twice

I am Sorry it is a wee word and that some people might say, It is just a word but trust me when i say this, it is a very strong word and it has effect in someone's life, How do I mean? Well some people cherish it like for instance you hurt some one we all know some people will not care but most people will hate on you because you could not say sorry to them after hurting them it could make you their enemy truly speaking, So sorry has effect on some people.

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I actually find it easy to say sorry i can also tell you it is very hard for me to say sorry twice, I can't say i am feeling indispensable that is why I can't say sorry to someone twice it's just my own principles I know we all have different laws to set out we all do even in various peoples home my own law is i do not say sorry twice if i say the one time I do not say again forgive me or not i will not say sorry twice to anyone not even my bloodline.

I know whosever is reading this is quite surprised or even saying, I'm a wicked person well everyone in the world is free to say whatever I am only speaking my mind, I don't see why i should say sorry twice, I wronged you fine why should i go on my knees, or say sorry to any one twice, I am sorry once is very okay for an apology trust me who ever you are pleading twice or even four times is just seeking to much attention trust me on this, I will not say sorry twice because, I said it once it is enough and it is very genuine.

I always know when i am wrong, I always apologize when am wrong sincerely i will apologize but trust me i will not apologize and never apologize to anyone twice, I feel it is not necessary, even our lord in heaven for gave us once we didn't have to say it twice or beg him so much before he forgave and that is God. Ordinary mere human will want you to lick their feet maybe because you offended them little it be like you did abomination, We are just mere human we should always learn how to forgive and forget easily.

I have never been in a situation, I was finding it hard to apologize, I don't do such if I am wrong I will definitely apologize even when I am not wrong i do apologize but what I don't do it apologize twice to anyone, If I wronged anyone I'll have to say “ I am sorry ” should settle it all but when you expect, I to continue saying sorry to you, I am definitely sure you are surly in a way looking for attention and I will not give you that “ I am sorry” it is enough to settle things, any problem on ground so that's it no one should expect I AM SORRY from me twice.

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