Hello my lovely, handsome and beautiful hive learners, I am glad and sincerely joyful to be part of this contest given to us by the organizers. It is the contest for w4e1 and am going to give full details of a GATEWAY I have wished to visit.

Designed by me


So far so good all these past contest that have been given to the newbies initiative which has been a great help to the newbies and in all i have participated starting from the “Good thing & Bad thing” to the last contest tagged “Your Favorite Food” which was just last week.

But this new week which is the 4th of April we are been given an interesting topic, Infact i have always expected this topic because it leads to my heart desire i have always had for years while i grew up as an adult.


A Location I Will Love To Visit

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Now if you look at that picture it looks familiar at same time it won't look familiar to some of us reading this great content but that in the picture is the Eiffel Tower it is located in Paris and i am pretty sure we all know that Paris is a capital city in France.

While i was growing up as a boy then, I always wanted to go to the USA which i still have plan on doing and right now am not talking about that but about the contest that says exotic location which you would love to visit.

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To be honest with you i have a lot on my mind but this *Eiffel Tower have always been my exotic location that i want to desperately visit. Have you seen it at night it is so beautiful, I love it anytime i see them use it in the movies or i come across it online while browsing.

The fact that it has a lot of beautiful green nature around it baffles me i mean anywhere you stand around it is a picture perfect it is so beautiful that many people go there for different reasons best known to them and also i have my own reason why I want to go there and it is not much.

Why I Want To Go There One Day

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I want to make a difference in anything i do in life which i have been doing, I always try to single myself out of the crowd and i always achieve that there's a quote i always say “The world is full of photocopy be the original” and i have always act on that all the time.

My main reason why i would love to visit the *Eiffel Tower is just to propose to the one i cherish so much the girl my heart beats for the one i will love to spend the rest of my life with and if she says yes i will organize the wedding right there at that spot.

I have always wished for that and i want to do it at my desired exotic location which is the Eiffel Tower I want to be in this place it has always been in my mind and i have always dreamed of proposing in Paris.


There you have it hive learners community these is the exotic location i would love to visit if i got the opportunity now i will never have a second thought and i will be on the next flight to Paris.


I just want to say a big thanks to @hive-learners for this great opportunity to be part of this great community.

Special thanks for their support;






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