Crime in Movies: Entertainment or Influence?

One thing I believe everyone should understand is that most of the movies we watch are purely fictional. A lot of what we see on screen isn’t real—it’s all about entertainment and keeping the audience engaged.

Many movies, especially those filled with action, crime, or fantasy, are created for the purpose of fun and excitement. And honestly, I wouldn’t want the movie industry to stop making them.

I mean without these fictional stories, we’d be left with mostly dull, and less entertaining movies that wouldn’t hold our attention that much.

Personally, I’ve watched a wide variety of films, especially Nollywood movies. Some of these films glorify crime or focus on criminal activities which isn't always right.

But then a lot of them are based on real-life events that happened back in the 90s, and I’ve found them to be informative. If it weren’t for these films, I wouldn’t have known about some of the historical crimes that took place in Nigeria. In that sense, movies can be educational, by showing us parts of history we may not have been aware of.

However, not all movies are made to educate. Many are just for entertainment, and we have to keep that in mind. Even in the crime-heavy films, there’s often a moral lesson buried in there.

What I’ve noticed in many of these movies is that they try to send a message: crime doesn’t pay. No matter how successful someone might seem in their illegal activities, they usually meet their downfall in the end.

This message is important because it discourages crime by showing the consequences. But then again, some people watch these movies and focus on the wrong message, by trying to mimic the negative behaviors they see on screen.

Here’s the thing, though: I don’t believe the producers or actors should be blamed if someone gets influenced negatively by what they see in a movie. Movies are made for different age groups, and I think everyone should be responsible for choosing what they watch and understand the message behind it. If a movie isn’t suitable for you or your age group, it’s on you to avoid it. We all have to be wise enough to know what to take away from every film we watch, whether it’s entertainment, a life lesson, or simply a fun escape from reality.

When I choose to watch a movie, I sometimes take time to check out what it’s about before I go on with watching it. That way, I know exactly what I’m subscribing to, and I think that’s how it should be for everyone.

Films shouldn’t be a reason for someone to think it’s okay to become a drug baron, an armed robber, or a even a serial killer. These people are just actors playing their roles in a script. They’re entertainers trying to make a living by creating stories people want to watch. At the end of the day, it’s up to us as viewers to separate fiction from reality and be mindful of the choices we make in real life.

In the end, movies can be a powerful tool for entertainment, education, and even self-reflection, but they should never be an excuse for harmful behavior. If we watch responsibly, movies can remain a source of joy without negatively influencing how we live our lives.

images are from meta Ai

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