Physical Education: A Funny And Unforgettable Experience

Hello everyone in the hive blockchain. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Welcome to my blog.


I honestly think secondary school days are the best. Before I got into university, I actually thought I’d do so many fun things when I get into the university. I imagined my university life to be amazing, social, and nice. I thought I’d make best friends, go out, learn new things, and do other stuff. Now that I’m in university, all I do is read. I barely have time to have fun. I wish I could travel back in time to when I was still in secondary school. Secondary school days were fun because of the type of friends we moved with. Not only were secondary school days fun because of the friends I moved with, another reason it was fun was because of physical education.

Physical education is a subject that was taught during my high school days. It is a subject that is taught in elementary, secondary, and even tertiary levels worldwide. I don’t remember if I did anything relating to physical education when I was in elementary school, but I do remember it was one of the subjects that was taught during my high school days.

Physical education was not my favorite subject. I loved the subject so much, but it wasn’t just my favorite. My favorite subjects in school were Economics and literature. I didn't like the theoretical aspect of Physical Education, probably because the teacher was boring. I hated writing his notes and listening to his boring explanations. But the physical aspect of this subject was absolutely amazing! How about I break it down? I hated the theoretical aspect of Physical Education where one has to write unnecessary notes and listen to boring explanations, but I was hundred percent interested in the physical aspect when one has to go out to the field and do things.


As I mentioned earlier, Physical Education wasn’t my favorite subject, but it was one of the “not-bad” subjects I enjoyed. My secondary school had a very big and green field where students could do various exercises. Our Physical Education teacher knew how to engage students in various sports. The famous proverb “Health is Wealth” was his favorite. “You must do something! You can’t always stay idle” he’d always say. He had a spot for different people; football lovers, table tennis, discus, javelins, and so on. I was part of the football team. I also tried table tennis, but it was not my thing so I focused on football.



Okay. Now that I think about those days, I can’t help but laugh my pains out. I said earlier that I was a football person- I focused solely on football. I also loved other sports, but I just didn’t put my mind to them. Football was my thing (it is still my thing), other sports/exercises were just unnecessarily stressful to me.

One faithful day, we had a 2-hour class on this subject. Usually, what we do when we have a 2-hour class is to do the theoretical and physical aspects. Our physical education teacher would teach us for about 40 minutes, then we’d go out to the field to spend the remaining time. That day, the teacher taught us on discus. So after the 40-minute lecture, we all went out to the field to practice what we had just learned- discus.

At first, I was not interested in it because it wasn't my thing. I saw it as punishment. I mean, why would you want us to throw heavy stuff? The stuff was really heavy for my small hands. But I became interested when my friends started having fun with it. However, I still did not want to participate, so I stayed back. My teacher noticed I was running away from it, so he called me and forced me to do it. I told him I did not want to do it because the stuff was heavy on my hand- I couldn't even lift it well. But he forced me and used the “Aren't you a man?” question to back it up. So I moved forward and lifted the disc, I had not even thrown it before my hands started to shake. I was supposed to throw the disc forward, but somehow my hands went backward. Thank God it didn't meet anyone, it would've been a disaster. Of course, people laughed at me. At that moment, I made a promise never to try that sport again.

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