My Tea


Hello everyone in the wonderful hive blockchain. I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are.

Growing up, I never liked coffee or tea. I was the type of kid that loved eating heavy food; Nigerian dishes, yeah? I didn't totally hate the idea of drinking tea, but it was something I took once in a while (probably once in a month).

But everything changed when I gained admission into the university. I had no choice but to fall in love with tea. I fell in love with it and I discovered the importance of tea.

Imagine having a class by 7 am/6:30 am, and you want to cook a Nigerian dish? Don't you think the best thing to do is just to prepare a cup of hot tea and tackle it down with sliced bread? Sounds amazing, right?

Personally, tea is not just any beverage, it is a lifesaver. There are times when I had no strength to cook anything. What I just do is to make tea (at least it’d keep me going till I have the strength to cook).

There are different types of tea here in my country. There are so many nice ones, but the one I prefer is bournvita. Asides the fact that the name sounds cool, the taste is actually very nice (which is the main reason why I love it)

I love drinking bournvita tea every morning. It is a good way to start your day (probably the best way).

Steps to make it

I don't think there is any special way to make bournvita tea. And I assume everyone knows how to make tea. It is the simplest thing to make.

While my roommate likes using cold (yup, freezing ) water, I prefer using hot/warm water). After boiling the water, I pour it into a cup. Then add milk (I love Peak milk), sugar or honey and lastly bournvita and viola!!!! It is ready!

Why do I love it?

  • The main reason why I love bourvita tea is that it is very easy to prepare. It doesnt even take up to 5mins.

  • It has a very nice taste

  • It us a good way to start your morning.

Thanks for reading.

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