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Money Driven: Would You Do Anything For A Million Dollars?

Hello everyone in the hive blockchain. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Welcome to my blog.

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Money, they say, is the root of all evils. Money can make you do the unthinkable. It can change you from that innocent person, to a killer, a bloody murderer. Of course, money is good. Who doesn’t like money? I’m sure if we weren’t making money on the blockchain, a large percentage of us wouldn’t be here today.

The main reason why people hustle everyday is to make money. To put good on the table. To cater for their family. A father is the head of the house. He has lots of responsibilities. To cater for the children, his wife and also himself. Money can solve more than 70 percent of his responsibilities. I also love money. I love the joy it brings. There’s this beautiful feeling that comes with money. The outflow of joy in your heart when you have enough money in your account can’t be explained.


In the world we live today, lots of people are money-driven. They have sold their souls to it and can do anything just to get it. Yes, we all know that money is very important, but shouldn’t there be a limit to what it should make you do? I’ve heard so many stories of people doing unethical things just to make money. Father killing his son, mother selling her daughter’s parts just for money, and children killing their parents for money.

The world is filled with evil people. Walking and prowling the earth, looking for prey to devour. My country is a very good example of the evil things money can make people do. Due to the poor state of the country, everyone is hungry. A lot of people in this country can do anything just for money. Nowadays, the youths are the main targets. You see a 14 years old boy riding a big car and you wonder how he got the money to buy it.


When I saw today's topic, my mind went elsewhere. I started thinking of the many things I’d buy if I was given a million dollars. 1 million dollars is not small money. There is no doubt that most (if not all my dreams) would be achieved if I was given such a big amount of money.

I minimized my discord app and went directly to my Binance app to convert it. 1 million dollars to my currency is #741,000,000. Interesting. Very interesting. All I could say was, “oh, wow”! 1 million dollars is a very huge amount of money, but would you do anything just to get it? In the world we live in today, lots of people will do anything just to get such a huge amount of money. I’m sure more than 60% of the youths in my country will do anything to get a million dollars.


As I said earlier, 1 million dollars when converted to my currency is a huge amount of money and if given to me I’d achieve almost all my dreams. But there are limits to what money can make me do. Of course, this is a very difficult one. I can buy big cars, build mansions and pay my parents back for all they have done for me, and do other things, still there are things I’d never do for a million dollars.

Here’s a list of things I’ll never do for a million dollars

Kill for a million dollars

It is against the commandments of God to kill. Not only that, it is also against the law. Why would you kill just for money?

Here in my country, killing for money is not a new thing. In fact, it has become so rampant that people are no longer surprised when they hear news of people killing for money. Some people even sell human parts for money. Don't they have a conscience? How would you manage to slaughter a human being and cut the body parts? I know this might sound funny, but i find it very hard to slaughter a chicken. I'm an homesteader and I rear chickens. Last Christmas, I wanted to try it for the first time. Although, I took some blood out of it, but I didn't complete it. Talk less of a human being! Killing a human being in cold blood for money!


Here in my country, you see teenagers driving expensive cars, building mansions and spending lavishly in clubs. And how did they get the money to do all those things?

Even if I was offered 1 million dollars, I’d never kill for it. Sometimes I wonder how those Murderers sleep peacefully at night. I mean, how do you sleep peacefully knowing fully well that the blood of another human being is on your hands? I'm sure they’d be having a series of nightmares. Why would you kill a fellow human being for money? If you get caught, you go to jail or get killed. Even if you don't get caught, your mind will never be at rest. It is better to hustle and work hard every day and live a perfectly decent life than to kill for a million dollars.


My parents brought me into this world. My mom is a very good woman. She's understanding and always ready to take care of her children. My dad is a good man, he's always ready to provide as long as that thing is within his power. My siblings are also not left out. We grew up under the same roof. We are from the same plate. We slept on the same bed. Doing something to hurt them just for money is outrageous and inhumane. My dream is to pay them back in ten folds for all the good things they've done for me, not to hurt them.

Thanks for reading.