Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

Hello everyone in the wonderful hive blockchain. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Once again, I’m grateful to the hive learners community for their amazing initiatives.

The hive learners community has presented us with another topic and I’m glad to be participating in it.

I pay rapt attention when I hear stories of our forefathers. Growing up, I was the kind of kid that loved and appreciated the art of storytelling. I wasn’t really good at telling stories, but I always enjoyed it when other people did it. My grandmother used to visit us at my parent's house once in a while. And whenever she came, my siblings and I would surround her and she’d tell us stories of the olden days.

My grandmother would tell stories of how our forefathers performed tasks with just their hands. With all the stories she told us, I pointed out one fact; they were stronger. Our forefathers were blessed with strength. I mean, have you ever thought of how they walked from one destination to another without cars? Have you ever wondered how they did things without machines? Well, the answer is short and simple; they were pretty strong.

Sometimes, my siblings would fall asleep, but I always made sure I stayed awake until she completed her story. I enjoyed every detail of everything she talked about, and sometimes I wish to travel back in time to see what they really did and how they managed to perform simple tasks.

Our forefathers lived a life of “darkness”; they didn’t have access to a lot of things. But they lived happily and co-existed with each other.

Who has it better? We or our forefathers


I wasn’t alive during the days of our fathers. But with the stories I have heard and books I’ve read, I’d say WE have it better and are living a comfortable lifestyle compared to our forefathers.

Let me narrow it down. Here are some of the reasons why we have it better than our forefathers;



During the days of our forefathers, there was nothing like Facebook or WhatsApp. Nothing like social media existed. Not only social media, but they also didn’t have anything like phone calls or SMS, they didn’t even have cell phones.

So how did they communicate? When I first heard how our forefathers sent messages to their loved ones, I laughed so hard and didn’t even believe it. Until I heard the same from another person.

Our forefathers sent messages to their loved ones with the use of birds (pigeons, I think). I read an article about this and in that article, it said military men use this technique when fighting a war. My question is, how did they do it? Well, stories for another day. Sometimes this method can take days, weeks, or months, and most of the time the messages don’t get delivered.

They also communicated with smoke. I don’t know how this was effective. I’ve seen people use “smoke signals” in some of the movies I watch and I don’t think people that live very far would get the message/warning.

Our forefathers also sent messages with the use of town criers. For example, during the days of our forefathers, if the king of a town wanted to pass a warning across to his villagers, he’d make use of a town crier. Who would move around the town, telling people the king’s warning?

Unlike our forefathers, we can communicate easily and effectively with our friends and families just from the comfort of our homes. All we just have to do is to call them, send a message through SMS or reach out to them through any social media platform. Unlike them, we don't have to wait “till eternity” before we get messages from our friends or loved ones.



Transportation is also one of the reasons why we have it better than our forefathers. They made use of their legs to move from one destination to another. There were no cars, trains, or airplanes. Unlike today, where we can just take a car instead of trekking for hours.



Thanks to modern technology, things have become pretty easy. People keep developing new things every day. Big and effective machines are being invented daily.

I’ll try not to even take it big. Let’s just talk about simple things. Kitchen equipment; blender. I remember when I was a kid, there was nothing like a blender (or maybe there was, and we didn’t have it). We used a molded stone to grind our peppers. I remember the first time I used it, and I couldn’t sleep throughout the night because my hands were on fire (this is the reason I don’t like touching peppers with my bare hands). But as time went on, blender came into existence and things became easier.

Modern technology has made it easier for us to do things. Almost everything we see around us is a result of modern technology. Phones, televisions, generators, aircraft, cosmetics, robots, and other things.

Unlike today’s world, our forefathers didn’t have access to all of these.

Are we happier than our forefathers?

I’ll be very frank. When it comes to happiness, I’ll give it to our forefathers. Even though we are living a comfortable lifestyle, they lived happier (in my own opinion).

Okay. We have everything. We have access to social media; Facebook, WhatsApp, Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, and all others. We can get in touch with our friends and families, make new friends, and post about our lifestyle, and all. Then why are people dying of depression? Why are people commuting suicide on daily basis?

Social media platforms are supposed to be a place of fun, where people come and get served a bowl of happiness. But instead, it has turned into a place where trolls get to work. They hurt people’s feelings which can (and has led to suicide) lead to suicide.

Even though our forefathers didn’t have access to modern technology. They co-existed peacefully with each other and didn’t do mean things like fighting over weapons.

In today’s world, we see countries waging wars due to silly and small reasons.

Our forefathers didn’t have access to big and effective machines. Most (or not all) of them were farmers but they made sure they performed things with what they had.

My grandmother once told me a story of how our forefathers used to buy and sell farm produce. They’d place the farm produce on the road or in the market and go to do some other things. Anyone that wants to buy would take them and put the money on it. Do you think such can still happen in today’s world?

**In conclusion **

I’ll put it this way; we live a more comfortable lifestyle and we have it better than our forefathers, we are happy due to these reasons, but I’d say our forefathers lived a happier life.

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