1440 Minutes As Santa Claus


Hello everyone in the wonderful hive community. I’m thankful to the hive learners’ community for their astounding, wonderful and educative initiatives.

Christmas is a period of happiness, fun and much joy. People like getting gifts, it makes them happy, and that is Santa’s job; To make people happy by giving them gifts. He is the king of generosity.

Santa Claus or Father Christmas, as we like to call it here, gives gift to everyone; both children and adults. As far as you’re not on his naughty list, you get a chance to win a gift from him. If I had the opportunity to become Santa Claus for at least a day, surely, I’ll make a lot of people happy by giving them their deepest desires which will definitely make them extremely happy.

When I was still a kid, about 10 years ago, my parents made sure we enjoyed our childhood, and Christmas is an important part of one’s childhood. During Christmas, my mum was in charge of dishes and wrapping gifts while my dad was the big guy in red and white with white beards- Santa Claus. On Christmas eve, while everyone was asleep, he would place gifts in front of our rooms. If you were naughty the whole year, you get an empty box. Those days were so interesting and nice.

If I were to be Santa Claus for a day and had endless supply of gifts to give, I’ll make sure I spread love and the spirit of Christmas to some special people. Here are five people I’ll surely give gifts to;

My Dad

I remember when I was a kid, my dad would make sure we all had fun and enjoyed Christmas. He gave us nice and expensive gifts so we would be happy, and all we did was thank him and sing him a song. If I were to be Santa Claus for a day, I’d surely repay the good things my dad did for me when I was a kid, by giving him a car.

Two years ago, I gained admission into a federal university, and it was at that time my sister also gained admission into a private university; as we all know, federal universities are always very expensive compared to federal universities. My parents couldn’t afford our fees at the same time. I thought of forfeiting my admission, so my parents would be able to afford my sister’s fees. But my dad did something extremely surprising; he sold the car. The family car. Our only car. Since then, he has not been able to buy another car, though he is saving to get another one, but it saddens me when I see him enter commercial busses or bikes.

If I were to be Santa Claus for a day and had endless supply of gifts to give, I’d gift my dad a black Lexus RX 350, he deserves more better than that for the love, care and support he has shown over the past years.

Orphanage kids

I remember there was a time my mom and in went on a charity program to the Orphanage. They tend to live formatted lives; they get up, take their bath, do chores, eat, learn and repeat in a regimented way. Hence, most of them never really enjoyed their childhood. Most of them missed has never received Christmas gifts not only from their parents, but also from friends too.
These kids in orphanages are prone to long time physiological disorder, depression, anger issues, most of them feel lonely and sad. Giving them gifts will surely put a smile on their faces.
If I were to be Santa Claus for a day, and had endless supply of gifts, I’d make sure I bring smile on their faces, knowing that even though they are going through, know they might have had a rough childhood or a pretty bad year, at least they smiled on Christmas, it might even make them happy forever.
I’d gift them big, beautiful and expensive toys that they can keep for a long period of time. I’d also gift each child a big Christmas tree with shinny Christmas lights on them. Since my gifts are unlimited, I’ll make sure I give each child at least twenty different gifts. Hopefully, that would make them happy and change their lives.

Homeless People

Just like people in orphanages, most of these homeless people has never experienced the true spirit of Christmas. They don’t even have the money to cater for their basic needs, how then would they enjoy Christmas? These people are really suffering. Most of them die due to lack of food, harsh weather, some of them even gets. Just like orphans, they are also susceptible to phycological disorders, suffering, pain, anger issues, and even suicide.
If I were to be Santa Claus for a day, I’d make sure these people never lack the basic things they need in life; food, clothing and shelter. Since I’d have an endless supply of gifts, I’d gift every homeless person a place to live, foods that’ll last for at least six months. I’d gift them a huge amount of money. Hopefully, they’d use it for something productive that’d sustain them for the rest of their lives. I’d also gifts them a lot of Christmas gifts so as to bring the spirit of Christmas back into their lives.

My Best friend

[This is a picture of my best friend and I. It was snapped in a studio]

There are different types of friends; school friends, social group friends, close friends, best friend and there are best friends that become family. Falope Cecilia, she is not only my best friend, but also a sister from another mother, my younger sister. We weren’t friends from start, I think she hated me before. Not until we started talking and we got really close.
She has always wanted to travel out of the country to study abroad. If I were to be Santa Claus for a day and had endless supply of gifts, I’d give her all what she needs to travel out and chase her dreams. She also loves eating fried meat, so I’d give her 2 bowls full of fried chicken.

My Mom

[This is an image of my mom. I snapped it with my phone]

YES!!! I saved the best for last. Cheers to all the good moms out there; who wouldn’t sleep until their children sleep, who would not eat until their babies eat, who would do everything in their power to make sure their kids get everything they desire, cheers to all mothers who love their children unconditionally, especially to my dear mother like no other.

My mom taught me almost all the good things I know; how to pray, how to talk to elderly people, how to be a good child and a good brother, how to be a nice person.

My mom is my hero. She has her own way of correcting her kids. Yes, just like most African parents, she flogs us with things like her brooms, her slippers, belt, frying pan, even USB cord. But, after the beatings, she’ll call us and advise us with a calm and loving tone. In everything I did, I knew I could count on my mom, because she’d always be there with her astounding, amazing, wonderful, outstanding, magnificent, superb support, motherly love and care.

There’s one thing that always make my mom happy every Christmas; giving gifts to the kids in church. My mum is in charge of the Holy childhood association; a catholic children association. Every Christmas, my mom would buy cartons of biscuits, sweets and toys for the kids, most times it was never enough and some kids would go back home with gloomy faces.

If I were to be Santa Claus for a day and I had an endless supply of gifts, I’d gift my mom a lot of nice and big toys, delicious cookies, sweets and candies that’d be enough for all the kids in the holy childhood association. Surely, that would make my mom excited. I’d also give her a neatly hand carved award for the strongest, loving, caring and most beautiful mother on earth.

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