Hello everyone I so excited to be here in this wonderful platform. It another Weekly Featured Contents; Week 102: Edition 01.
Though this is my first post here, but it is a privilege for me and I am eager to learn and grow here.

Whether in my area is really something to talk about. Even, if it is not for something like this in a platform like this. It is what we have been talking about everyday consciously or unconsciously, ‘with word’ and ‘without word’. But, before I talk about it properly, just take a look at this story:
We all know that as long as there is life there will always be seasons; winter and summer each of these seasons have specific time frame or should I say months that each usually surfaces. As Mr. Summer is done with his presentation on the podium due to the time allotted to him, he packs off and leaves the podium handing over the platform to Mrs. Winter. The people or as I would like to called the audience, don’t really like Mr. Summer presentation because he is too hard and harsh to his audience. Well, I don’t know why he has always been like that, may be because of his nature or masculine nature. Dear reader! You know, most people if not all prefer miss winter because she is mild in her presentation to her audience and her audience preferred her because they can easily handle or control her. When she tends to be chilly or too cold in her presentation most time what the audience just need to do is to find a warmer, a blanket the likes of them, sometimes it’s just curdling that is need and Mrs. Winter could be control. So, most people much more preferred her to Mr. Summer. As for him, when he stepped on the podium, it is not easy to control him. And most time those who can control and try to control him are not that much. Because to control him, hmmm! You must also be a strong man MONICIAL WISE, because you need to afford somethings like air conditionals, 24/7 power supply, etc and that is not easy.
So, Weather in my area now, even now as I am writing this is not friendly at all. The whether now is extremely hot. Particularly in one of these states in the middle belt of our country ‘Naija’ which is sharing boundary with the nation’s capital FCT- Abuja. I know by now you must have been thinking which state. Well, I know you know. Any ways, in order not to stress you further I will tell you. I am talking about, Nasarawa State. And I live in one of the central local government areas, which is, yes, correct, Akwanga Local Area.
So, let continue with what I was trying to tell you about the whether in my area now. The Weather is extremely hot, and the heat ooh, ooh, ooh, it is something else to, and to worsen the matter, some few days back AEDC (Abuja Electricity Distribution Company) that are in charge of power supply in my area, also decided to aided the harsh whether by deciding to hoard power supply and seriously, till now I couldn’t tell why they did that, because there was no any information regarding what caused the fluctuation and failure in power supply.
Well, I have not also forgetten that, in our country ‘Naija’ sometimes people do somethings as they feel like doing. If they are the ones giving you food eat and one day, they just feel like not giving you food, they will just decide not to give. And there is nothing you can do. “Are you serious?” Is that you question? Yes, I am damn serious. Even you, you can try it and see, nothing will happen. Hahahahaha
Well, seriously speaking the weather in Akwanga is not friendly at all and sometimes you will need to open your windows so as to attract natural ventilation or as we do call it ‘fresh air’ from the environment, which also seem to be running away from the heat in you room. And for some people whose house is not fenced like my own, Night boys or should I say Night guys that will not allow you sleep in the night because they are looking for phone, will even help you to achieve the phone while you are sleeping.

But, the whether is not suppose to be like this we know that it is supposed to mild from February, then as we advanced into march it also increase it tempo, but, then, this year I don’t know why it is like this. Could it be that the economic challenge in Nigeria has also affected the Weather, such that the whether is also feeling the impact and then she decided to pour her anger out of the economic pressure on the people?

Well from all I have said so far it is obviously worse compare to other years, let say like last year. For me and from my angle here in Akwanga, I may not know other part, but from my own area and side, it is terrible. It never friendly at all.

What should be done? Well, I have not given it much thoughts. But, I think people can generally adopt some form cooling measure such as the use of air conditioner for those who can afford, or the general and common one which, the use of fans. But, both will require constant power supply which I mentioned earlier. if it were to be area like villages, I am sure they might not be experiencing the harsh weather the way we are facing it in the township. Because around them there are trees and that give some form of relief from the heat due to the fact the trees produce some form of ventilation.

Well, thanks for stopping by

Hoped you have not be bored by my story.

(Images Source)


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