Beautiful Red Hibiscus


Hi all hive friends, See you again in this beloved community. Today I will share some of the prettiest photos I have right now, the photos that I will share are the beauty of hibiscus flowers.

I photographed this hibiscus flower when I visited my sister's house which is not too far from where I live and I saw that on the edge of the fence hibiscus plants were planted with very attractive flowers.

This hibiscus flower has a bright red color and has large petals, one stalk has only one flower, hibiscus flowers are very popular with the public, especially mothers and are now widely planted as ornamental plants, apart from having beautiful flowers, hibiscus flowers are also very popular. easy to care for, hibiscus flowers can be planted in pots and can also be planted in the wild for example on fences, in the yard at the edge of the road.

Hibiscus flowers have a variety of colors including pink, red, white and yellow and odorless hibiscus flowers, the plant height is about 2 to 5 meters, hibiscus leaves have oval or oval round leaves and slightly pointed leaves.

The benefits of hibiscus flowers include for polishing shoes in India and offering flowers. In China, red flowers are used as food coloring. In Indonesia, the leaves and flowers are used in various traditional medicines. Dried hibiscus flowers are also drunk as tea. because the flowers are used to polish shoes, they are called hibiscus flowers.wikipedia

I photographed this hibiscus flower using a Samsung brand camera phone and I took several photos to get good or maximum results. I really admire the beauty of flowers that's why I always look for flowers that I can take pictures of as material for me to post.

This is all I can write, hopefully it should be useful. And here I will share some photos of hibiscus flowers, hopefully my friends like it.










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