Jersey Lily Flower

On this occasion I want to share the beauty of the pink Jersey lily flower with all of you here, so today I passed in front of a neighbor's house while listening to music playing in the house and accidentally my eyes were shifted here and I saw the presence of a Jersey lily flower that was in the yard of the house, I approached him to ask permission from the owner of the house to take a picture of this flower. Because here I am very impressed with its seductive beauty, this flower that looks very similar to a trumpet flower and this flower has a white color with a mixture of pink in the floral stripe pattern.

I took this flower using my own cellphone camera, the Redmi 9C to take it. Here I take from several angles of interest so that we can all see it from many angles. Jersey lily flowers have several types that are very attractive and also in several different colors, there is also a red color that comes from this flower.

Here I will try to explain some of the beauty that I think is very interesting that this flower has, and let's see below while enjoying some photography of flowers that I have done.



This flower has a very attractive color and can thrive in several places, this plant has a green stem and is erect with beautiful flowers appearing on it, the beautiful flower is shaped like a funnel and it is also very similar to a trumpet flower, this plant does not have a trumpet flower. leaves are like other plants and maybe if you look at other flowering plants that always have green leaves but not this one plant, on the inside of the flower I see there are six strings that appear from the inside like some flowers in general, I've seen this flower before but I didn't have time to take a picture and this time I want to share it with you here. I hope you all enjoy it happily.








That's all I can give on this occasion about the Jersey lily flower in the form of photography and I hope you all like it, and I also say thank you very much to all of you who are here who have supported me so far and I hope you are always in good health. happiness.

Photo TakenRedmi 9C + Macro
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App EditorMy Gelery
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