Jesu Loba || Creative-Sunday

The morning sunshine streamed through my window panes as I scurried around my home, trying to get ready for church while running behind schedule. I could already faintly hear the familiar melodies of worship songs floating down the street from the church up ahead. Those comforting tunes drifted into my room, reminding me why I eagerly anticipated attending the service each week.

More than the sermons or Bible readings, it was praising God alongside my church family that truly nourished my spirit. There was something special about all our voices uniting in song that filled me with hope and joy. The harmonies would swell as we sang about God's unconditional love and boundless mercy, transporting me to a peaceful sanctuary within.

I smiled, recognizing the upbeat song being sung - it was one of my favorites that never failed to get me on my feet, clapping and singing with abandon. The lyrics were simple but profound: "Gbogbo aiye e wa ba my gbe ga." In English, "Everyone come join me, lift Jesus up." As I rushed to get ready, I hummed the tune to myself. Jesus deserves all our praise, I thought. And when we exalt his name in worship, he lifts us up right along with him.

By the time I hurried out the door and power-walked down the street toward the church, I could hear the song crescendoing gloriously. I entered the open doors and was enveloped by the sounds of passionate praise. People stood with eyes closed and hands raised as they sang fervently from their hearts. The energy was electric and alive. I quickly found my place among them, adding my voice to the joyous noise.

We sang, "Gbogbo aiye e wa ba my gbe ga," over and over, letting the Yoruba lyrics wash over us like a cleansing rain. In that moment, nothing else mattered but glorifying the name of Jesus. I felt my anxieties and burdens lift away. With each repetition, we raised him up higher and higher.

The song ended, and I opened my eyes with a grateful smile. I was filled with thankfulness to be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with my church family. Though we were all unique, from different places and backgrounds, in that space we were one. As the next song started, I sang even louder. The joy of praising Jesus alongside others who loved him was a gift I'll forever treasure.

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