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I got Murgha(Rooster) punishment in school.

Date:06/05/2022, Blog no:03.

Greetings everyone!
Good day, guys! Hello and welcome back to another blog. I hope everyone is having a fantastic day. I'm well as well, so don't worry about me hihi. I was looking through the conversations on the discord server the other day and discovered that the hive learner community had discussed a few blog themes. When I looked up the themes, I found that they were all fascinating. I came upon the topic "Back to high school," in which you must describe anything that occurred throughout your high school years that resulted in you getting into serious trouble.
I was drawn to this topic since I have many fond memories of my high school, and now I will share one of them with you. So, without further ado, let's get started.

School days
First and foremost, let me state that I am a pretty shy person when it comes to meeting new people, thus when I first started school, I recall not talking to anyone and sitting in the corner of the classroom. I'm referring to the early days of my school. At the time, I had no personality, which is why no one was interested in me. It took me around three years to get my footing at school. I recall making my first-class friend when I was promoted to sixth grade. He was a bright, active youngster who got involved in everything and was always talking. I began devoting most of my time to him. We began to share our secrets, and after a few days, we had become good friends.

TIn a few months, just due to his company, I grew more communicative and gained a lot of confidence. I recall being famous at our school when I was promoted to 7th grade due to my and my friend's unorthodox behaviors. We became well-known for tormenting our female teachers. Hehe, now I was feeling sorry for all of my instructors, but no worries, I had memories with them now, and they remembered our names. This was just a quick review of my school; I thought I'd give it to you first so you could get a better idea of what I'm talking about. Let me now explain why I was punished.

Reason for punishment
Let me start by saying that the friend I mentioned in the previous paragraph was quite flirtatious with all of the teachers. He was also incredibly attractive, in fact, he was the most attractive boy in our school, and all of the girls and teachers were drawn to him. He was flirting with female teachers in front of the entire class and delivering seductive lines in the form of jokes to the professors. Our teacher, on the other hand, did not reprimand him for this, and in fact, they used to laugh at him when he did it.

Main+Interesting part of this blog
One day he was absent from school and I was very happy and also in a flirty mood. Actually, I thought to make the class laugh and get attracted to the girls hehe so I also started flirting with our teacher. I don't remember the first two or three flirty lines but I remember the teacher ignored me but still I was flirting with her. Hehe, I was getting more excited that the teacher is not asking me anything so just because of overconfidence I said to her "Hello mam, see the light is blinking. Mam see light is doing flirt with me, mam stop him please, mam I don't want to marry the light please ask him that jawad is not interested in you, hello mam please tell him that jawad is mine" Lol, when I said this, the whole class started laughing but when I saw the face of my teacher she was burning with anger. Hehe, her face was red and she comes towards me and slapped me on my face with full force. Haha, I was trying to understand what happens to me, but I wasn't able to understand because I had stars revolving around my head because of the slap.
Then my teacher told me to leave my class; I apologized, but she was enraged and told me to simply leave, which I did. Even though I wasn't looking at the girl's reactions, I felt incredibly ashamed in front of everyone. When our principal asked me why I was standing outside the class, I said, "For no reason, the teacher said get out of my class, and that's why I'm standing here." Hehe, when our principal asked about this to our teacher, our teacher explained the whole matter to the principal hehe, and then the principal came up to me and said jawad come with me to my office. When I entered the office principal made me murgha(Rooster) punishment. Those who don't know about what murgha punishment is let me tell you, there is no English word for it because it is a traditional punishment that is used in Pakistan, India, etc.
Let me share a picture with you so you will better understand what I am talking about.

Image source

Now, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Hehe, she ordered me to stay in this position for two periods, but after 10 minutes, I fell down. Hehe, I'm not sure how many times I apologised to my teacher and the principal. Hehe, after this punishment, I reverted to being an innocent boy, and I continued to avoid flirting with anyone in my life. This is my favorite memory from high school.
That concludes today's discussion.

Concluding Thoughts
I have many fond recollections of my school and will share them with you from time to time. I hope you enjoyed my blog; if so, please give your thoughtful criticism in the comments section and tell me about the harshest punishment you ever had in school. In the comments section, I'll be waiting for you.
Also today, I am very happy because Lovesniper mention me in his posts and he promoted my introduction post as an example for upcoming newbies.
Tomorrow, I'll be back with another great blog for you.

Have a wonderful night and may you be blessed.

