Paying attention to children and teaching them

Come on kids, your vacation is over and now you have to study and learn, that's what teachers and parents say to kids, and kids don't want to go to school after three months or two months of vacations to educate kids. Parents work hard day and night but some do not study well and some complete their education after studying and become successful
When the teacher says to the children, take out fifty out of a hundred, how many children are left?
They immediately answer 50 and some children look at them and say 50. That's why children should always be tested and solved papers to teach children so that children can learn practically.

Children become big, classes become big, then the questions become difficult, difficult questions are solved by the children and the children are taught and the children are explained by writing on the board how to solve the question. What addition, differentiation and negation are to be done? When the children learn all this, then they take the exams. Among them, the children who come in fast and second numbers are more appreciated and the children with the previous numbers are also admitted to the next. It is found in the class but the teachers focus more on them to explain them well so that they can type in the next exam. It all comes from learning.

And then the children grow up and go to the university, they go through college and some children leave education on the way and work hard, but those who get a good education find a job and one day they Join the list of advanced people

Those who pay attention to the children grow old and the children become young. Serving one's parents and joining advanced people

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