Dressing Dilemma: I Dress To Gain Confidence (HL-W78E2)

September 7, 2023


" Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."

- Anonymous

Someone I know would spend hours trying to decide what would look best on her. She frequently called my attention to help her pick out the ones that looked pretty, or fit her well. As much as I don't want to lie or insult her sense of fashion, I would just simply say, "It's up to you. We have different preferences." The truth is, I don't like most of her dresses and fashion styles. Besides, at the end of the dilemma, it's always her choices that will be followed not mine, lol. So I know it is always a waste of time asking my opinion. Sometimes though, I want to dress her myself for a change. I'm talking about my lady boss, by the way.

It's always been a dilemma for most ladies when it comes to choosing the appropriate dress for the day, especially nowadays that people are following the fashion trend, and going with the flow of this modern society. Nobody wants to look ugly in the eyes of others. Nobody wants to be left behind. So as much as possible, we want to look decent and pretty. We want to be fashionable.

There are people, though, who prefer simplicity because, for them, it is beauty. And I am one of them. Throw me beautiful and fashionable clothes, and I would choose the simple ones: a shirt and a pair of pants, for instance. Just include a cap, sunglasses, and good sneakers. I'll be fine with this set ☺️. I prefer comfortable clothes to fashionable ones. Just like what I said to @george-dee, why would we wear fashion clothes when we are not in the fashion industry?


Would you believe if I said that, in my first two years here abroad, my get-up was always a typical shirt and a pair of pants with an additional jacket and a beanie in the cold season? Yep! Just like this style below. So simple and typical.


So choosing what to wear for the day wasn't a dilemma for me, who prefers a simple and comfortable get-up. It's even better, as it didn't give me a headache in choosing what to wear, especially when there are many choices.

However, my dressing style changed when I opted to, not because I wanted to look beautiful, but because I was capable of changing and I wanted to be more confident, especially in the crowd.

So I changed my fashion style to gain confidence while maintaining simplicity.

I thought, "If others can dress confidently, I can too."


Wearing dresses, skirts, shorts, revealing clothes, and other fashionable clothes wasn't my forte. I wore dresses, though, back in the Philippines, but the number of times can be counted on one hand. I wear short pants only at home, not in public.

I probably got bored with myself, so I opted to change my fashion style.

I didn't like wearing dresses, but I liked seeing ladies wearing long skirts and dresses. It makes them more feminine to look at. Until one day, I saw a skirt in a boutique and tried it just for fun. But then I liked it and I thought, "I guess long skirts suit me," so I bought it.


This skirt was the very first skirt I bought here abroad.

Until then, I always wanted to look fashionable yet simple. I don't like wearing too-fashioned or overly-styled clothes. There are pretty ones that are still simple.

However, when I changed my fashion style, that's when the dressing dilemma started. Each time I plan to travel or go somewhere that I'll include in my blogs, I always think ahead of time about the clothes I want to wear for that certain day.


The decision will be made one night prior to the travel day. I would open my luggage, where my traveling clothes are kept. I would choose and fit clothes for hours before I made my final decision.


pink and gray, do they match? Sometimes, I feel like my choices are weird but I still wear them. 🤣

Sometimes, it gives me a headache when all my clothes have already been worn and I have no new set to wear. So I would randomly pair tops with pants that matched.

I pair clothes that suit the place, the theme I want to capture, the occasion, and the weather, of course.

On ordinary days, I would simply grab a shirt and pants, fix my hair, put on my favorite cap and shoes, and I'd be ready to go! No dressing dilemma, no waste of time.


Does my dressing dilemma or fashion style affect me?

Of course, yes. There is always a negative and positive impact on every change and decision we make in our lives. I can say that these changes impacted my life in a positive way. I learned to be more stylish without worrying about being left behind by the fashion world. On a serious note, I gained the confidence that I was aiming for. It sometimes costs money to change my style, but it's worth it.


Do I plan to change? My fashion style always changes, but I have no plans to go back to how I was many years ago: dull and less stylish. About the dressing dilemma? Better not think, better not choose, and better not plan ahead. Just grab whatever makes you comfortable. That's all that matters.

In case you are curious about what I tackled here. This is in submission to Hive Learner's Weekly Featured Contest with the topic, Dressing Dilemma.


Check the details above if you want to join.

(All photos are mine)



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