Some Unplanned Goals.

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Four Months More.

Image source

This image was downloaded from Unsplash and edited by me on Photoshop.

I would like to start this post with a beautiful quote from Les Brown

"Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life."

I am not a goal-setter, If I go through the life I have already spent. I don't find any goal that I set and achieve. I am a person who likes to go or live a life unplanned. I don't know if this is right or wrong.

But this topic from HL, made me think that I should have set some goals for the rest of the 4 months to come. I don't know if I will achieve them or not, But I will try my level best to achieve them.

What are my goals?

I have started posting regularly on the hive for the past month after becoming an HL-verified member, It has impacted my life positively, and I have met a lot of great guys on the HL server. Currently, I'm holding 820 HP. Believe It was once a dream for me to even earn some 100 HP. But now with my consistency and with the help of this beautiful community, I have achieved it. It's a self-achievement for me.

Now after reading this topic, I am pumping myself to set an HP for the months to follow. the rough figure that comes to my mind is 2500 HP.

I know I need to work hard to change this 820 HP into 2500. It means I need to earn 1680 more hp more. If I divide it into months we get 420 HP a month.

It may sound difficult to achieve but it's doable and I know if I keep working hard I can easily achieve it.

We are going through the worst inflation in Pakistan's history. It has become very hard to fulfil even the basic needs.

Another Goal.

Due to this inflation, It is necessary to earn at least 300 to 500 $ a month. As a full-time hivean, this is my other goal. My first priority is to achieve this goal in the hive. But if it's not possible to achieve on hive. I will turn to some other ways to earn money like some other platform.

But I am pretty sure, I can achieve this goal also on hive, if only if I keep working/blogging on hive. Hive has the potential to become a proper source of income.

I know we are going through some hard times/ low prices. Taking it as an opportunity to acquire more hives.

I have a firm belief in myself that, within these four months, I will be able to achieve both of my goals and I will be earning a living by working/blogging on the hive!

10$-15$ a day is not that difficult? right?. what do you guys say? Looking forward to seeing your suggestion in the comment section.

Read my latest Blogs.

Meet Little Pose Queen <3

Taste the Goodness:Classic Chicken White Rice Delight - Creative Sunday

Always be Thankful to God what ever the situation is !!!

Some Food Photography, Yummy Or Not Yummy !!!

A Traveler's Tale of Global Village Exploration

HiveLearners Gave Me The Wings I Needed On My Hive Journey.

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