Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is the Dressing Dilemma.
The picture is downloaded from Unsplash and edited by me on Photoshop.
I would like to start this post with a beautiful quote by Coco Chanel.
“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” – Coco Chanel.
This topic has a direct influence on every human being's life. We are human and it is necessary for us to wear Cloth. Some people focus too much on what to wear, or what not to wear, and some people don't care about it.
I am a person who Prefer to wear Simple clothes, rather than following the fashion and wear according to it. Warning according to fashion just doesn't attract me. It doesn't mean I don't wear up-to-date dresses, but I like to choose Simple dresses among all the available because Simplicity is the best.
I have seen many people in their life when going out. they think hours to what to wear. I think you should not waste your time on these things. Wear clean and simple clothes and Behave nicely with anyone.
I will have a positive impact on others. I have seen people who wear expensive clothes, but they behave with other's baldy. So, what's the benefit of this show-off?
Sad, but true, nowadays people judge you on the behalf of your look, on the basis of what you are wearing, Which car you have. Are you living in a big house? things things to me are useless.
If I want to do a friendship with anyone? I will not see how he is dressed, I will not see how much money he has. I will how he behave with others. These people are real friends and they help you in hard times of your life.
I know some people who don't wear clothes in the place where they have already worn those clothes. This thing automatically Forces you to waste your money on unnecessary clothes.
I want to ask this question to the people who do this, if you wear the same clothes and meet the same people, what will happen? will they not meet you? Will they ask you to leave, because you are repeating clothes?
Thankfully I don't have this habit and I can repeat clothes until or unless it has some problem or they are not clean. The people who want to stay in touch with me, should not judge me on my clothes. They should judge me the way I talk to them, whether I am being honest to them or not !!!
I don't want to change myself, I like the way I am. I am simple and want to stay simple Forever.
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