Horrible Road Accident!

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is What's The Risks We Take


I would like to start this post with this beautiful quote

Accidents are the unexpected guests in the house of fate, disrupting our plans and rearranging the furniture of our lives.

Life is a series of unexpected events, some leave good memories and some leave bad memories in our mind. one such event happened Last year when I was driving a car, and was going to my aunt's home.

I was sitting at home chilling and I came to know about the bad health of my uncle ( very close to us), he has been having belly pain for the last two days, he is a foodie and doesn't care for his health when it comes to eating. On that day, I got a call from my aunt that my Uncle was not feeling well and we needed to take him to the hospital.

I left everything and opened my house door in a hurry and was driving to her home in a few minutes. Her house is 12-15 away from our house. There was not much traffic on the road and It took me only 10 minutes to reach close to their house, i was just 2 streets away from their home.

I was not driving fast, because there were houses around me and we didn't know when some kid came out of their home, I turned a street and was about to stop my car, and out of nowhere, there came this boy on the bike, he hit my car and fell off from his bike. He was driving too fast.

I don't know why these young boys don't care much about the safety of others. Just after this happened, I came out of my car and went closer to the boy, who was lying on the road and was not in his senses.

When I saw it, I felt like I was dying. That boy was not breathing. people started to gather and they started to yell at me, but when I told them, it was not my fault, it was this young boy who was driving fast.

Normally, I am a man who cares for my car very much, but in this incident, I was only caring for that boy, I took a mobile phone from one person in the crowd and called 1122, which is our health emergency service. I told them all the situation and told them that, I had the accident and also told them the location where all this happened.

Everything happened as a student, I forgot about everything, my phone, my car, my wallet and other belongings. thank you fully that boy started breathing after a few minutes.

This all happened very close to my uncle's home, and when he heard about it, he came out of his home ( he was at that time struggling to walk).

Thankfully Rescue ( 1122) came on time and they treated the boy and then we took our uncle to the hospital. It was like a nightmare for me. What would have happened if that boy had died?

I wouldn't be able to forget myself even if it was not my fault.

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