Stir Fry Bitter Guord Recipe | Creative Sunday

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Hello Hive Learners Community!! As you all know every Sunday I do something creative and exciting. Whenever I cooked food it make me thrilled as well helps my Mom. Today I cook Stir Fry Bitter Guard for lunch. I'm a vegetarian and I love summer special vegetables like apple guord, bitter guord and okra.
Before heading forward to the recipe of Stir Fry Bitter Guord let's have a looks on the health benefits of the bitter guord.
Bitter Guord is also known as bitter melon. It contains on vital vitamins and healthy nutrients. Bitter Guord has inflammatory and anti cancer properties. It helps in regulations of blood sugar as well support in weight loss and digestion. Bitter Guord is a healthy addition in diet.

Ingredients :

Details of the ingredients and it's quantity is in the chart below 👇

Bitter Guord Chopped3 Cup
Onion Chopped1 Cup
Tomato Chopped1-2 normal sized
Red Chilli Paste1 table spoon
Garlic Paste1 table spoon
Ginger Paste1 table spoon
Cooking Oil1 cup
Coriander Seed1/2 table spoon
SaltAs Per Taste

Procedure To Cook :


  1. Chopped the bitter guord in small slices , wash them well and let them dry aside.
  2. Put a deep pan on low flame and add 1 cup of cooking oil and let it get heat.
  3. Add chopped bitter guord in the cooking oil and fry them on low flame until it turn brown.
  4. When the bitter guord are fried well and their color changed into brown take them out in a plate and set aside.


  1. Now add chopped onion in pan and fry in the same oil. Add red chili paste, ginger paste, garlic paste and coriander and let them fry with onion for few seconds.
  2. Add 1/3 cup of water and lid the pan with cover for 1 minute.
  3. Now add fried bitter guord and mix it well with onion and spices.


  1. Add chopped tomato slices and lid the pan for 1-2 minutes.

Yeah!! Stir Fry Bitter Guord is ready. The final look is in the picture below 👇


The best way to serve this dish is to serve in with Roti and Yogurt in lunch and dinner.

If you have any questions about the recipe you can ask in comments section. The above #threespeak video would be helpful to you in following the recipe.

I hope you would like to enjoy this dish with your family and friends. This blog is my submission to Creative Sunday Initiative by Hive Learners Community.

Happy Sunday All!

That's all what I wanted to share for my today's blog.....
Images used in this blog belongs to author.


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